Maeve Reston
The Wasque Reservation sandplain curves downward to the dunes disappearing into the indigo waves of Katama Bay off Chappaquiddick. The white-crested breakers recede into fog above the ocean.
Cape Pogue


Chappy Landowners File Formal Appeal to State Tax Board


More than two dozen Chappaquiddick landowners took their property
tax disputes to the state last week, filing formal appeals of their town
property assessments at the Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board.

The 26 property owners are challenging the values of 46 individual
parcels, currently assessed by the town of Edgartown at a total of $116

A property tax revolt is quietly brewing on Chappaquiddick, where a large group of landowners have banded together and hired an attorney to challenge their latest property assessments.


Chappy Land Gets Management Plan


It's not so much about the land anymore, it's about the
people - especially the neighbors.

This is the central theme that runs through a new management plan
released this week for two key properties owned by The Trustees of
Reservations on Chappaquiddick.

Little changed from a draft that was released last spring, the new
plan sketches the outlines for a future Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge and
Wasque Reservation that could include:

Land Bank's Chappaquiddick ‘Prize' Will Bring
Island Trail to Pond's Edge


The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank announced this week that it
will buy the Wasey property on Chappaquiddick, a grassy, windblown
four-acre crest that embraces the unspoiled inner shore of Cape Pogue


Unspoiled beaches. A quiet, rural island community. Canoes and kayaks for rent. Cool caps and T-shirts for sale. Hundreds of cars. Long ferry lines. Fresh talk about how to manage it all.

This is the latest sketch from Chappaquiddick, where discussion has begun to heat up around a new long-range plan for two key properties owned by The Trustees of Reservations: Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge and Wasque Reservation.

Limits on nighttime access to the beach, except for fishing.

Expanded natural history programs and a possible new education center at a still unnamed location.

A boardwalk from the Dike Bridge to the Cedars.

Year-round bathroom facilities at Mytoi.

An extended pledge for better planning, rigorous land management and good neighbor relations.

These are the benchmarks of a new management plan for two key properties owned by The Trustees of Reservations on Chappaquiddick.
