A group tasked with reviewing the management of the Chilmark Community Center is recommending an overhaul of how the center is run, according to a new report released last week.
The Chilmark Town Affairs Council announced its new officers earlier this week, with Michelle O’Connor taking over as the chair.
Chilmark town officials are suggesting the town go out to bid to find an organization to run the town community center’s summer programs, but fear there won’t be enough time to do it this year.
A committee tasked with considering the future of the Chilmark Community Center is pondering changes to the management of the town hub.
A recently formed committee tasked with looking at the management of the Chilmark Community Center held a public forum this week, giving residents a chance to voice their concerns and opinions about the center’s future.
Variety is the core theme of the Martha’s Vineyard Author Series this year. The series kicks off on July 11, with Frank Bruni talking about his book, The Age of Grievance.