When the weather is fair and the sky clear, the Vineyard can feel like the top of the world. This is especially true in January. Typical winter conditions, such as steady air, bright stars and a transparent atmosphere, make for optimal stargazing conditions, on par with the best stargazing locations on Earth, including mountaintops. The most familiar constellations are also within view, high in the sky, at this time.



A new visitor to our solar system is high in Vineyard skies this week. Comet Lulin, despite being barely visible to those with even the keenest vision, has gained attention around the world.

Twelve years ago, Comet Hale-Bopp was the last newly discovered comet that anyone could see overhead. That comet was considerably brighter and easier to spot than our new visitor. In photographs, Comet Lulin has a distinct greenish color, while Hale-Bopp shone both white and blue.


The Vineyard, an important part of the Earth which was scheduled to plunge through the tail of Halley’s comet last night beginning at 10.55, may well be congratulated upon its successful emergence from the passage. The early night was damp and foggy, and nothing startling locally occurred until just before midnight, the Earth then having penetrated possibly two or three hundred thousand miles into the tail, when peals of thunder and vivid lightning accompanied by a smart downfall of hailstones, convinced many that our good old Earth was stirring up the comet’s tail somewhat.
