The Vineyard had a faint foreshadowing of the tumult of war this week, when windows were — rattled and houses were shaken by the firing of big guns at Camp Edwards on Cape Cod and by target prac
Plans for the protection of property and persons on Martha’s Vineyard in the event of a war emergency have been pushed forward this week by the special committee appointed for this purpose by Gov
The section of Peaked Hill which the government proposes to take for the purpose of establishing a signal station represents only a small part of the Peaked Hill property so-called.
Garrett Hagen, of the United States Department of Justice, has completed a search at the registry of deeds in Edgartown looking toward the acquisition of Peaked Hill by the federal government fo
The six Martha’s Vineyard observation posts will participate with the 700 similar posts scattered throughout New England in the communications test of the Air Defense Command which will be held
Vineyarders who turned on their radios this morning heard that Warsaw had been bombed, and that the incredible war of destruction seemed to have begun in Europe.