Megan Dooley
The U.S. Coast Guard issued an unprecedented warning to swimmers and boaters a week ago: beware of the great white shark.
Michael Chapman
Cooper Davis
Thomas Bena, founder of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, stood in front of a mostly full house at the Chilmark community center last Wednesday night, and shared an anecdote. “I can remember one night a few years ago when a man approached me on his way out the door. He told me that he appreciated what we were doing here, but that the film we had just shown was repetitive and just generally not very good. I thanked him for his thoughts and was watching him leave when someone else came up to me and said ‘Do you know who that guy was?’”
Alexis Tonti
In 1974, Universal Studios sent a new young director to the Island to make a movie about a big shark terrorizing a little town. The plan was to spend five weeks and 3.5 million dollars.
Yvonne Guzman
It was the movie Jaws which brought downtown Edgartown, State Beach and the Vineyard’s breathtaking South Shore to audiences nationwide for the first time.
Mike Kolleth
Before Monday, Erik Hollander, Chuck Gramling and Mark Burton had never stepped foot on Martha’s Vineyard, but they knew parts of the Island very well.
Peter Blumberg
It was 13 years ago that the Vineyard’s place in Hollywood history was assured, and the career of filmmaker Steven Spielberg established, with the making of a movie Jaws.
Edith Blake
It was a night for celebrating.
William A. Caldwell
Jaws, a film starring Martha’s Vineyard and a polyurethane shark named Bruce, will have its first showings tonight on the Island which was its birthplace.
Edith Blake
In the words of the movies, Jaws has “wrapped,” struck its sets and stolen away in mammoth trucks.
Edith Blake
Boats since the beginning of time have been built to float, or at least that’s the object, but Universal Studios (which of late does the unusual) has built a boat to sink.
Edith Blake
While Washington has been putting on a continuing spring and summer show, Martha’s Vineyard has had one of its own, and the show is Jaws.
Vineyard Gazette
This freshly-killed brown shark — a man-eater — was laid out on the steps of Universal Studios’ Edgartown office sometime before dawn Friday.
