The Methodist Church and Society of this place have decided to hold in their church, on Christmas Eve, Thursday the 24th inst., a grand Christmas Festival. Two or more noble Trees will be placed in the church on which Christmas presents will be hung, and from which they will be given out by a Committee appointed. The Committee request that all presents be brought in to them in the vestry of the Church on the forenoon of that day, or at farthest as early as two o’clock P.M. The Church will be decorated somewhat with Evergreens. All necessary committees have been appointed, and the arrangements are complete. The Society having lately placed in the Gallery a large and excellent organ, a musical concert will take place at the same time of the Festival. Mrs. Sarah Roberts, one of the finest performers in New Bedford will preside at the Organ. There will also be a few short addresses. Altogether it will be the grandest entertainment of the kind ever witnessed on the Island. The net avails are to go to replenish the Library of the Sabbath School. Admission for adults is 25 cents, children under 12 years, 15 cents.
Tickets will be for sale at the stores of Messrs. John Dillingham, Frederick Baylies, and Jonathan H. Munroe. Organ Concert to commence at 6 1-2 o’clock. Should the weather prove very stormy, all will come off the next evening.
By the Committee,
Edgartown, Dec. 17, 1868.