In the report of the harbor and land commissioners to the legislature details are given of the construction of a harbor at Lake Anthony.

The construction of a harbor at this place was authorized by chapter 441 of the acts of 1898, the appropriation therefore being $5,000.

This amount was considered insufficient to carry out the project in a proper manner and the board recommended a further appropriation. By chapter 155 of the acts of 1899 an additional amount of $15,000 was made available, and a channel was excavated through the beach into the lake, 100 feet in width on the bottom and five feet depth at mean low water. The entrance was protected by the construction of two stone jetties, each extending about 200 feet beyond low water line, the total cost of the work, including surveys and engineering, being $19,627.13.

In 1900 additional stone was placed at the inner ends of the jetties, under the provisions of chapter 309 of the acts of that year.

In 1901 an appropriation of $5,000 was made for dredging and other necessary work, and during the summer the approach to the principal landing was dredged to five feet at mean low water and moorings planned in the main portion of the harbor, the total cost of the improvements up to Dec. 1, 1901, being $24,290.64.

In 1902 the anchorage area was increased by dredging and the material used to cover the flats, which were considered unsanitary.

By chapter 416 of the acts of 1904 the board was authorized to continue the improvement of Lake Anthony by increasing the size and depth of the entrance and the anchorage basin, $10,000 being appropriated thereafter.

It was found upon examination that some shoaling had taken  place in the entrance channel, due to the sand being driven through the spaces between the stones forming the jetties and riprap, and in order to prevent a recurrence the jetties have been made sand-tight so far as possible by filling in the spaces with cement concrete.

On July 29, 1904, a contract was entered into with John H. Gerrish to dredge the entrance and the anchorage basin, the contract price being $8.50 for each full hour that the dredging machine is actually engaged in dredging. This work was completed in December, 1904, and resulted in the deepening of the entrance to seven feet at mean low water and a width of 75 feet through the centre, and in the addition of 7 1/2 acres to the area of the anchorage basin dredged substantially to six feet at mean low water.

The riprap along the inner end of the northerly side of the entrance channel has been set back and the channel widened, to give more room for the passage of boats.

The mooring buoys set by the commonwealth are in good condition. The harbor is largely used as an anchorage basin for yachts and fishing craft, and also as a harbor of refuge. The expenditure for the season up to Dec. 1, 1904, was $3,681.80.

The total amount expended at Lake Anthony up to Dec. 1, 1904, is $30,518.08

The report also mentions changes which have been made at Menemsha Inlet, in the towns of Gay Head and Chilmark.