Regarding the contest we wish to state that the right of voting is free to all persons, and one person can send in any number of votes - no limit. It is only a question of getting the coupons, and you are entitled to as many votes as you can produce coupons.
By courtesy of the Directors we are permitted to invite the public to sent to the Gazette office their written choice of a suitable name for the new hotel. Let all who are interested and have a name in mind which they thing the correct thing, send it to us. This invitation holds good until Saturday nigh, Dec. 6th. After that date the different names suggested will be published, and the public will then be given an opportunity to decide (by Gazette coupon vote) which of the proposed name shall be accepted.
The Pusey & Jones Co., of Wilmington, Del., the builders of steamer Nantucket, have contracted to have another steamer ready to go on the line June 1st, 1891, and from the description which has been given she will excel in speed and seagoing qualities any steamboat ever on the line. The dimensions will be as follows: 210 feet long, 34 feet wide, 11 feet 6 inches deep, and draw 4 3/4 feet of water, which will allow her to go over Nantucket bar at any time of tide.
Mr. J. R. Kendrick, General Manager of the Old Colony Railroad, and other officials of that road, visited the Island last Monday, and he is now general manager of the Vineyard road, having taken possession of the property in behalf of the trustees, Messrs. Chas. F. Choate and Frederick L. Ames.
Last Sunday, at about ten o’clock, with a high wind blowing from the westward, afterwards more southerly, a fire started in Quampacha Bottom, on Dr. Fisher’s Road, so called, and about one mile in from the highway leading to West Tisbury, and soon gathering headway begun a career of galloping destruction through the Bottom lands for some three miles, coming out on the Vineyard Haven road at various points between the Jeremiah Weeks farm, now owned by David S. Beetle, and a point to the north of Wilbur’s corner.
Mr. Editor: As you have kindly consented to publish any communication from those interested in the public good and well-being of the community, I think a short review of the past, as well as our hope for the future, may be profitable.