Spiffing Up

The last several days have made me regret donning long underwear.

Space Invaders

You know what to do when life gives you lemons, but what do you do when the garden gives you pests?

A Chilmark Campus of Safety Emerges at Beetlebung Corner

A wood-shingled new fire station has emerged across from Beetlebung Corner, and behind it, down a winding path, is another addition: the new Tri-Town Ambulance building.

Wonderful Week

When we see common goldeneye they are normally on our salt ponds or in the Sound, where they mostly spend the winter.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: April 14

Our roads and sidewalks are being redone in town.

Edgartown Town Column: April 14

There have been a few flip-flop days.

Chilmark Town Column: April 14

The osprey are back, along with the pinkletinks, daffodils and herring.

Chappaquiddick Town Column: April 14

The next Chappy Community Center potluck is on Wednesday, April 19 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Oak Bluffs Passes Budget, Spending Requests

Residents of Oak Bluffs swiftly worked their way through their annual and special town meetings Tuesday at the regional high school’s performing arts center, approving all articles with little deliberation in under two hours.

Edgartown Approves New Fire Station, Nip Ban

Meeting in the newly-restored halls of the Old Whaling Church, voters drilled through a 79-article annual town meeting warrant, with only one article not passing.
