What a beautiful weekend we had — and a full moon to top it off.
Next potluck at the Chappy Community Center is Wednesday, May 17 from 6 to 8 p.m.
I took a road trip out to western Massachusetts to fetch Violet's belongings from college.
Robin Wall Kimmerer, self-described "mother, scientist, decorated professor and enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation," wrote the book on moss.
The new policy, which was approved unanimously by the select board Tuesday, states the town can fly ceremonial flags at the town’s discretion.
A decomposing minke whale was found washed ashore this week by an Island family that was out for a walk on their Cape Higgon beach.
Tisbury’s newest select board member is Christina Colarusso, the winner — by just three votes — of Tuesday’s three-way race for select board.
Aquinnah residents narrowly voted down the town’s share of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School operating budget at annual town meeting Tuesday, casting the third and deciding vote against the school financial plan.
Lynn Allegaert is challenging the Edgartown zoning board’s March decision to allow the hotel to renovate three cottages and build a new guesthouse with a spa.