Next potluck at the Chappy Community Center is Wednesday, May 17 from 6 to 8 p.m. Bring a dish to serve yourself and six others.

This past Monday morning I noticed that dinosaurs had been busy the night before on the beach adjacent to the ferry landing. Depressions in the sand between the high water debris line and the very low water lapping at the shore were evidence that horseshoe crabs had been burying their eggs during the full moon over the weekend.

My granddaughters found out back in the first grade that dinosaurs still existed. They had become concerned when they saw a scary movie on television in which a Tyrannosaurus Rex ripped off the corner of a house and plucked out the hapless occupant. They excitedly informed me that I was incorrect when I told them that they need not worry about dinosaurs now since they had all died a long time ago. They were pleased to point out that there are many dinosaurs still among us — horseshoe crabs, lobsters and chickens in particular.

For those folks who have contracted the Alpha-gal disease from the Lone Star tick, it’s interesting to note that any critter whose ancestors existed at the time of the dinosaurs are safe to consume, including their eggs. Shortly after I discovered that I had the disease, I was with my brothers at a wedding in New Hampshire. They were sympathetic that now I couldn’t have bacon for breakfast the next morning. They asked what I could eat on what seemed to them a very restricted diet. Jokingly, I said, “Pretty much just lobster.” The next morning I had lobster with my eggs. Good brothers!