School vacation week is here and everyday life for many families has been put on a temporary hold.
Last Friday evening marked the end of a four-decade era out at Wasque.
The Martha's Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $38,278.78 for the business week ending on Friday, Feb. 24, 2023.
Marilyn H. Vukota Trs. and 10 Canterbury Nominee Trust purchased 10 Canterbury Lane in Vineyard Haven from Dominic John Maxwell for $860,439 on Feb. 24.
The Townsend's solitaire now on the Vineyard is a vagrant that has a home somewhere in the western third of the country.
The Edgartown planning board voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve the hospital’s skilled nursing facility and workforce housing development.
During March, the West Tisbury Public Library will present a new exhibit titled Taking Shape in Space.
Seven people were transported to the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital with injuries Tuesday morning after a dump truck and a sport utility vehicle collided.