Community Services Nod To Daybreak Businesses

The Daybreak Clubhouse of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services has announced the awarding of certificates of appreciation to the following Island businesses and business leaders: the Martha’s Vineyard Times, the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce, the Morning Glory Farms, Murdick’s Fudge, and Murdick’s Fudge General Manager Michael J. McCourt.

County Charter Study Group Meets to Narrow Options

The Dukes County charter study commission will meet Thursday, Oct. 25, at 5 p.m. in the Oak Bluffs Senior Center to begin discussing specific options for county governance, and possible functions and services of a future county government. The public is invited to attend.

Seven possible options are under consideration. The charter commission expects to begin narrowing the options in early November. The options range from leaving county government as is with no changes at all, to abolishing county government with no replacement.

Award-Winning Farming Film Debuts on MVTV

How to Save the World last month won the award for best nonbroadcast film at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, an international event where other winners came from the BBC, Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel. Tonight, the awardwinning documentary about biodynamic farming will be broadcast — premiering on MVTV.

The filmmakers were on the Island last month to interview Vineyard author William E. Marks for their next film, which is about water. Mr. Marks facilitating the right to screen the film, which begins tonight at 8 p.m.

Orionid Meteor Shower

A gibbous moon will interfere with this weeks Orionid meteor shower. The best part of the shower is this weekend, after midnight. The moon’s brilliance will interfere, so only the brightest of meteors can be seen.


Margaret Knight>

508 627-8894


Some of the Chappaquiddick trees and vines have changed colors and given the island a look of fall. The bright red Virginia creeper seems suspended on a sea of green, up in the tops of the trees, or else contrasts nicely with the dark brown trunk where it climbs a pine.

Oak Bluffs




East Chop




Every time I see John Breckenridge jog by our house I think of stopping him to say thanks for something else he has done to improve our community. His latest efforts have involved Lincoln and Prospect Parks. Recently these parks received topsoil fill, and were seeded with a drought resistant fescue. The only thing John didn’t do was arrange for the three days of rain which came last week to jump start the growing process. The parks should have a new look by next summer.





Vineyard Haven




Abu Ghraib Film Screens

Abu Ghraib Film Screens

The documentary Ghosts of Abu Ghraib will screen for free on Wednesday, Oct. 24, at 7 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center at 130 Center street in Vineyard Haven.

Join Adnan Sabeh, the Rev. Alden Besse, Father Michael Nagle, Rabbi Brian Walt, and fellow community members for an open and free discussion and refreshments to follow the screening of Ghosts of Abu Ghraib. All participants and opinions welcome.

This film is for mature audiences only.
