Vineyarders Trounce Cathedral; Third String Contributes to Win

The Martha's Vineyard Regional High School football
team's 42-6 drubbing of Cathedral High School on Saturday could be
summed up when Panther kicker Kancley Val lined up for an on-sides kick,
rushed the ball furiously, and missed.

Whether Val actually made contact, or the rush of his body created a
gust of wind, the ball did manage to come off the tee and roll a good
two or three inches. The only problem was it rolled in the wrong

Steamship Authority Avoids Legal Action

The Steamship Authority likely will accede to a requested two-month delay in the delivery of its new 255-foot passenger and vehicle ferry, the Island Home.

SSA general manager Wayne Lamson said members of the boat line board of governors have indicated that they are prepared to honor the request by VT Halter Marine Inc. of Moss Point, Miss., to deliver the Island Home by Jan. 27, 2007, rather than by Nov. 29 of this year.

Eye On November: Dukes County Is Due for Test of Its Charter

Dukes County Is Due for Test of Its Charter


Hopes were high over a decade ago when a newly reorganized
government went into effect for Dukes County.

Voters in the county had bought the vision put forward by a charter
study commission in 1992 that reorganizing rather than eliminating
county government offered an effective way to confront regional issues,
such as solid waste disposal and affordable housing.

Years later, the vision retains its appeal.

Vineyard Backs Deval Patrick

Vineyard Backs Deval Patrick

Following Commonwealth Trend, Island Democrats Throw Support to
Gubernatorial Front-Runner in Hotly Contested Primary


Dukes County voters mirrored the rest of the commonwealth and
offered strong support for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Deval L.
Patrick in the state primary election on Tuesday.

Sentencing Is Near in Map Theft Case

Sentencing Is Near in Map Theft Case


Federal authorities have asked that E. Forbes Smiley 3rd of Chilmark
serve more than four years in prison and be fined at least $10,000 for
stealing a rare 1578 map.

U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor said that although the court
should take Mr. Smiley's cooperation into account when sentencing
the felon next Wednesday, the court should not depart from standard
sentencing guidelines.

Boat Line Fares Set to Go Up

Boat Line Fares Set to Go Up

Steamship Authority Governors Review $78 Million Budget; Managers
Say Tariff Hike Needed to Cover Costs

Gazette Senior Writer

Passenger fares are expected to rise more than eight per cent on the
Martha's Vineyard route under a set of across-the-board rate hikes
proposed Tuesday by Steamship Authority managers.

Woman Dies in Ocean Swimming Mishap

A 54-year-old New York woman died after an incident in rough seas
off a remote beach in Chilmark on Tuesday afternoon, where she was
swimming with two friends.

The accident took place off the south-facing ocean beach on the
Chilmark Pond Preserve, a property owned by the Martha's Vineyard
Land Bank.

Ticketing Spree Spoils a Day at the Beach

Swimmers and sunbathers leaving State Beach Monday afternoon were
surprised to find parking tickets stuck under the wiper blades of their
windshields, but for more than a few the surprise turned to outrage when
they learned who had issued the tickets.

The name of the officer listed on the $10 tickets was S. Berlucchi,
who checked off the boxes next to Edgartown and Oak Bluffs to indicate
what town had issued the citations.

Town Selectmen Release Executive Session Record

The Oak Bluffs selectmen have released the minutes of a May 9 executive session during which the board voted to terminate town administrator Casey Sharpe without cause, triggering a clause in her contract to pay her more than $76,000 in salary, sick time and vacation pay.

After leaving her post July 15, Ms. Sharpe received $45,427 for six months’ salary and $31,449 in unused sick days, for a total payout of $76,876.

Last Year's Winner Takes Lead in Bass Derby

Last Year's Winner Takes Lead in Bass Derby


Like the great Yankee catcher Yogi Berra once said, it was deja vu
all over again.
