
President Johnson recently remarks: - “Mercy has been slain. Let us now take care that Justice is not slain also.”
Another mercantile firm of New York, has added its proffer of $10,000 toward the half million fund proposed to be offered for the capture of Jeff Davis, which makes $30,000 already proffered.
It is proposed to raze Ford’s Theatre, and to raise on its site a monument to President Lincoln.
Gen, Halleck has taken command at Richmond.

Victory! Victory!

Since our last issue many stirring events have transpired.

Helen Augusta

Our little boat has now been performing duty upon her route for one week, and we can confidently state that the public, generally, are satisfied with her accommodations. Although a “little boat,” and, perhaps will be many times during two months of the coming season over-burdened, yet taken throughout all the year, for all practical purposes, she will be found to be a “love of a boat.” Her commander, Capt. John L. Gibbs, pronounces her to be a good seaboat, and one that will do good service for the Vineyard people.

Our Little Boat

“There is a point beyond which forbearance ceases to be a virtue,” and we think the people of Martha’s Vineyard have, long since, exceeded that point. To be sure you have cursed yourselves; you have waited patiently for “something to turn up,” until your patience has become supineness, and you have no one to blame but yourselves. But the Vineyard has just began to awaken from this morbid state, and has put forth a hand to help itself. One of the best efforts ever made upon this island has just been put into effective operation.

Union Victory

The Anti-Slavery Amendment to the Constitution, passed the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, on Tuesday last. As the resolution has passed the Senate, nothing is now required but the endorsement of the measure by three-fourths of the States.

Wesleyan Grove: Camp Meeting Herald

The approaching campaign at Wesleyan Grove is so full of matters of interest to readers far and near that we are induced to publish a daily paper, to be called the Camp Meeting Herald, which will contain a concise report of all transactions upon the ground; a brief report of all sermons, a historical sketch of the prominent itinerant clergymen, and all local items. Within this sheet the reader will find a perfect transcribe of each day upon the camp ground. It cannot fail to interest you. Send in your subscriptions.

New Town

A new town has been added to Dukes County; the act establishing the town of Gosnold, embracing the Elizabeth Islands, heretofore a part of Chilmark, having been signed by the Governor and become a law. - Mercury.

The Vineyard Gazette

The seventeenth volume of the Gazette closed with its last issue, and to-day it enters upon a new year with a new editor and proprietor. The undersigned, after seventeen years of constant labor, as editor of the paper, retires, and Mr. James M. Cooms, Jr., a graduate of the office, assumes the entire control of the establishment. I know Mr.

Whaleships Captured and Burned by a Rebel Privateer

The London Shipping Gazette of Sept. 27, contains the following report made by the British ship Cairngorm, at London from Sydney:

Peter West to Plant, Grow and Dig Oysters

The Selectmen of this town have granted a license to Mr. Peter West to plant, grow and dig oysters, in a certain part of Squash Meadow Pond, for 20 years. We are glad to hear this. The oysters grown on this Island are of a very superior quality, and we should not be surprised to learn of the complete success of the new enterprise.
