Letters to editor

MVC Disconnect

This is not the language we would expect to hear from the Island planning body charged with protecting our land and water and leading the Vineyard climate action efforts:

Plan for Tomorrow

Finally we seem to be seeing some light at the end of the Covid tunnel. It has been a long year, but here we are at the beginning of hurricane season. Let’s hope it is a mild one. Unfortunately somewhere out there, just over the horizon, there is another kind of storm waiting to break over us: The development project for the old Hinckley Lumber Yard.

Superintendent Evaluation

I am pleased to see the all-Island school committee is preparing to tackle the daunting and time-consuming task of evaluating the superintendent of schools, Dr. Matthew D’Andrea.

Patience Please

Summer is upon us.

Priscilla's Benches

On behalf of all the members of the Friends of Oak Bluffs we are sorry for the passing of Priscilla Sylvia, and more importantly, we will miss her many contributions.

Tick Awareness

Many of you may have noticed the huge jump in the numbers of deer tick nymphs right after the Memorial Day weekend.

Angels Among Us

The Good Soles continued to spread their love and thoughtfulness this Valentine’s Day by gifting the elderly and those living alone with visits, gifts of flowers, cookies, and heartfelt messages.

Love the VTA

I am the Tisbury representative on the VTA advisory board.

Unseen Dangers at State Beach

I recently emailed the selectmen, board of health, conservation commission and parks department in Edgartown and Oak Bluffs.

Birthday Parade

The following letter was addressed to the West Tisbury police and fire department.
