Next week is a momentous one in the history of the Clan of Cronig, Vineyard Haven, the thirty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the market business by the elder of the family, Sam Cronig.
The Edgartown Yacht Club’s gala festivity of the year took place Friday night at the club when children from 10 to 18, and an even greater number of adult spectators, gathered for the annual fancy dress ball. Carrying out the theme of Denizens of the Deep in Fact and Fiction, the decorations, painted by Ruth Appledoorn Mead’s art class, consisted of flat models of fish and other sea animals hung from the ceiling and adorning the walls. Balloons were also strung above the dance floor.
The new Vineyard ferry Islander arrived at Vineyard Haven yesterday afternoon, greeted with whistles from the Martha’s Vineyard, which lay at the dock, the whistles of the fleet of Taylor’s lighters, and blasts from assembled cars. All down-Island towns had displayed their flags throughout the day, and the visiting hours, together with music by the Vineyard Haven Band, followed during the early evening when more than 3,400 people inspected the boat.