Vanity Launched

The Vanity, new catboat of Capt. Thomas Walker Pease, was launched from the yard of Manuel Swartz on Thursday morning with appropriate ceremonies.

Need $35,000 More For Tisbury School

The town of Tisbury will hold a special town meeting on Tuesday, April 2, to hear reports of the committees appointed to investigate and recommend fire apparatus to be purchased by the town, the location for a fire house or other plans for housing such apparatus, and to act on a recommendation of the schoolhouse building committee that an additional sum of $35,000 be raised and appropriated to the present plans and specifications.

Resembles House of Whaling Master

The new telephone building at Vineyard Haven, which is now nearing completion so far as the exterior is concerned, marks the passing of an epoch in the Island history of the telephone and the beginning of a new one.

With the completion of this building and the transfer of the offices and plant of the company to its new quarters, the common battery system will be put into operation in the towns of Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs, and all connections between the Vineyard Haven office and Boston will be by cable.

Tisbury School Will Be of Model Type

Plans for the new Tisbury school have been approved by the building committee and the specifications are now being prepared. It is the hope of the committee that both will ne available to bidders within ten days or two weeks. The plans call for the most modern type of building, in construction, arrangement and style of architectural design, with fireproof boiler and fire rooms, corridors and stairs, and all other parts fire resisting. The outside will be of brick and tile wainscot will figure prominently inside.

Editorial: Two Sides of a Question

Not long ago we heard a valued summer resident of an Island town discourse in a rather surprising way. She said:
“Some of us have formed a knockers’ club this year. If anyone asks us about the Vineyard, we say, ‘We-e-ell, the mosquitoes were pretty bad this season,’ or something of that sort designed to be discouraging. You see, it’s a question whether the Island isn’t becoming a little too popular, whether there haven’t been too many people around this year.”

Burleigh’s Compositions Heard at Chapel

Two of the anthems sung by the Union Chapel choir last Sunday were new arrangements of Harry T. Burleigh’s “Were You There When They Crucified Him” and “Deep River.”  Mr. Burleigh, one of the country’s eminent composers, was present in the congregation. Mr. Burleigh is, as well, a noted baritone whose voice is heard over the radio from the vespers of St. George’s Episcopal Church, New York, where he is a soloist. He is a regular summer visitor to Oak Bluffs.

Links Singularly Like the Courses of Scotland

The newest of the Vineyard’s three golf courses is just two years old. Its nine greens checker some of the most beautiful of the rolling lands of Edgartown, well beyond the settled blocks of the town on the northwest, and overlooking Vineyard Sound, Trapp’s Pond and numerous bits of memorable landscape. In scenic quality the course was, from the start, unusual. In its technical development, from the standpoint of the golfer, it now has many claims to distinction.

Captain Marshall Will Take New Boat

Christened with a smile, by Miss Alice C. Seaver, the New Bedford, the latest addition to the fleet of the N. B., M. V. and N. Steamboat Co., took to the water Saturday. With her flags flying in the sunshine she slid from the ways at the fore River shipyard at Quincy before an audience of several hundred.

Two tugs awaited the steamer which slid smoothly down the ways, and within two minutes they had lines aboard the vessel. They towed her to a nearby dock, where she was tied up until after luncheon was served to the launching party, which then proceeded to inspect the steamer.

Islander and Nobska Are Renamed Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket

From this day forth the Islander and the Nobska are but names, not boats. The Islander becomes the Martha’s Vineyard, the Nobska the Nantucket. Deputy Collector of Customs Duffy of the port of New Bedford has announced that on application of the New England Steamship company the change of names for the vessels has been approved by the commissioner of navigation. The third new steamer of the line will be the New Bedford. Thus are honors distributed with mathematical precision between the ports of call of the Island line.

Big Herring Catch At Tashmoo Likely

The approach of spring is heralded on the Vineyard, as well as at many other points on the coast, by the running of fish. Fish are to be had at any month in the year if one knows how and where to get them, but no movement of a school or body takes place during the winter in the waters near the shore or the land-locked lakes and ponds.
