
Margaret Knight>



Summer made its initial appearance last weekend as, all at once, people, cars and bicycles arrived and filled the roads. The sidewalks of town looked just as crowded as a summer day. The weather was perfect for the beach, and the ferry line on Sunday around noon went all the way back up Simpson’s Lane to North Summer street.

Please Adopt Us

Please Adopt Us

Please be sure to watch this column next week for two very special cats that have just come to the Animal Shelter of Martha’s Vineyard to find new homes. They are not quite ready to be adopted yet, but they will be soon, and we are sure they won’t stay at the shelter long!


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

May 28 69 48 Trace

May 29 72 52 .00

May 30 72 58 .07

May 31 78 61 Trace

June 1 73 57 .00

June 2 74 62 .07

June 3 69 56 Trace

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 64º F.






Chilmark enjoyed a holiday of perfect proportions with long sunny days and lovely sunsets. Many families and friends gathered for ceremonies honoring the memories of our cherished servicemen followed by picnics, reunions and celebrations of togetherness. The Chilmark Community Church conducted a blessing of the Menemsha fleet on Sunday morning complete with a bagpiper and an accordionist. It was an impressive service and one that many hope will become a tradition at our harbor.


Kathie Case>



Well, what a beautiful weekend we had — perfect for barbecues, picnics, parades and even some traveling.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Niccolas Cardoza, who celebrated his day May 29, Michelle Herrick on May 31, and to Kaleb Hatt and Alicia Nelson, who celebrated June 3.

Special wishes to my hubby on his birthday June 3. As he says, he is now able to get a free fishing license.

Jacob Joins Us

Jacob Joins Us

Jennifer and Kyle Gatchell of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a son, Jacob Kyle, born on May 22, 2010, at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Jacob weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth, and joins sister Alison.

Hello, Oscar

Hello, Oscar

Caroline and Frank Flanders and big sister Jean of West Tisbury announce the birth of a son, Oscar Read Flanders, born on May 22, 2010, at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Oscar weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.

Light Years Away

The bright red planet Mars appears high in the western sky tonight, near the brilliant star Regulus. The two are a tight pair in the zodiacal constellation Leo. This is a good time to watch the movement of the planets.

May 28: Bright Sunny Day

Friday, May 28: Bright sunny day. Temperature in the 60s. A brisk breeze on the water. Edgartown children march down to Memorial Wharf, many carrying flowers. Under deep blue skies, they tossed flowers into the harbor. The sound of Taps can be heard along Dock street.

Saturday, May 29: Thick fog in Edgartown. Skies clear by 9 a.m. Warm and summer-like. Boats arrive in Edgartown harbor. Customers, with smiling and sun-burned faces show up at the Stop & Shop. Hazy skies in the late afternoon. Temperature drops down to the 50s at night.

Niaz Dorry

Family Fishing

Island fishermen gathered for a dinner meeting at the Home Port Restaurant last week. The guest speaker was Niaz Dorry, a director with the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, based in Windham, Me.

She compared the plight of the small-town commercial fisherman to that of the family farm, and as with small farming, she painted a picture of hope amid innovation.
