Kathie Case>
Well, what a beautiful weekend we had — perfect for barbecues, picnics, parades and even some traveling.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Niccolas Cardoza, who celebrated his day May 29, Michelle Herrick on May 31, and to Kaleb Hatt and Alicia Nelson, who celebrated June 3.
Special wishes to my hubby on his birthday June 3. As he says, he is now able to get a free fishing license.
We were in Somerset on Sunday for the birthday party for my brother, who just turned 70. We left the Island on Saturday night and on Sunday morning we tried the Falmouth Grille, where the old Hearth and Kettle was. We were pleasantly surprised at how good the breakfast was and the portion you got at a reasonable price. If you get a chance, give them a try.
I would like to put out a big thank you for the veterans and the firemen who every year put new flags at the cemetery for all the fallen servicemen and the firemen. Of course we could not appreciate the effort without thanking Mike Smith and his crew for keeping both cemeteries so nice. It is a year-round job and one he does so well.
Felix Neck will be hosting butterfly garden workdays and tours on Thursdays in June, from 1 to 3 p.m. Help their butterfly garden grow and learn about Island butterflies and their habitats. Judy Holland McChesney leads the garden tours. For more information, call 508-627-4850.
Felix Neck is also pleased to welcome Cristina Pereira as the new education coordinator and day camp director. Cristina has spent summers on the Vineyard for more than 20 years and looks forward to working year-round to educate the community about the Island’s natural history. Cristina will be coordinating all aspects of environmental education programs at Felix Neck and overseeing the Fern and Feather natural history day camp for children. Welcome, Cristina.
The nursery has been busy these past two weeks with people getting their gardens ready for summer, growing fresh vegetables and herbs. It has been great seeing all the landscapers I’ve come to know over the past six summers, and of course, all the customers getting their rental homes ready for summer. The biggest question we get is, “What can I put in my garden that requires no dead heading, does not need a lot of water, gtakes full sun all day and looks beautiful?” Believe it or not there are some, but we recommend someone to water them if they can. Hopefully the tenants will take pity on the plants and give them a little drink.
Have a great week, and keep the home candles burning.
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