Bill Edison

Play Ball! First Pitch Flies Sunday


I’m here to tell you softball fans that the beauti ful wooden engraved sign for Flanders Field designed by John Scott and his wife has survived the ravages of winter. This means that the softball season in Chilmark will start on Sunday, June 27. I hope the old-time ball players like Ziggy, Jim Wallen, Caleb and Dan Pinck have withstood the ravages of time as well. I understand that Dan has developed a submarine stinker to go with his wicked knuckleball pitch while playing in the Pelican League down in Florida.

Wind and the Wording: Critical Concerns

What follows are comments made by the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, addressed to Robert A. DeLeo, the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

Our Turbines, Our Future

Because so many Vineyarders have been stirred up by the Cape Wind Project and because our various governing bodies are wrestling with the issue of residential wind turbines, isn’t it time we had a rational, non-emotional discussion of the future of wind power on our Island?

Everett Poole

Vineyard is Best Seasoned With Salts

I am 44 years old and my folks built our place on Chappaquiddick back when I was a toddler. Last July on our annual family trip to the Island I stumbled into what turned out to be the workshop of Bob Douglas. The fisherman’s look, along with a Black Dog hat inspired me to ask if he was Mr. Douglas. He was, in fact, and graciously allowed me to introduce him to my family, including my kids, Avery and Ethan, and snap the photo. Several days later we happened into the Poole’s supply shop in Menemsha.

Case for Paying Tisbury Police Bill

On Tuesday, June 29, the town of Tisbury will hold a special town meeting to seek the passage of two separate, but related spending articles concerning the town’s collective bargaining agreement with the Tisbury police union. The details of the collective bargaining agreement were the result of a Joint Labor Management Committee arbitration award, which both the town and the police union agree is a fair and equitable resolution. The town of Tisbury and union encourage Tisbury residents to attend the special town meeting and support the passage of these two articles.

Many Ways to Play the Beautiful Game

The other day I brought my son, Hardy, to his last soccer game of the spring season. Hardy is five and half now and the game of soccer still rather new to him. Dribbling the ball, passing and scoring are secondary considerations. Mostly, he likes seeing his friends.

Gazette Chronicle: Flaming Pooched Eggs

Flaming Pooched Eggs

From Gazette editions of June, 1935:

The scene was a Vineyard street, a parked flivver at the curb. Upon the scene appeared two pedestrians, who observed that a fire was blazing merrily in the hood of the car. One promptly ran to summon aid while the other stood near. Appeared next another car, whose driver dismounted and promptly extinguished the fire in the parked machine.

Letters to the Editor


Editors, Vineyard Gazette:

As the nation weathers its horrific, self-inflicted, environmental Pearl Harbor in the Gulf of Mexico, we also continue to endure the ongoing, widespread, business as usual devastation caused by coal use and the invisible harm emanating from our fleet of nuclear power plants (tritium leaking into drinking water aquifers, for example).

Hospital Has Its Moving-In Day

Hospital Has Its Moving-In Day

Wastewater Study Caution

Wastewater Study Caution
