
Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

June 18 79 56 Trace

June 19 83 60 .00

June 20 77 63 Trace

June 21 79 65 .00

June 22 83 65 .00

June 23 79 65 .30

June 24 81 65 .00

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 74º F.

Summer Begins

Summer Begins


Too Lost in Tunisia’s History to Fit in a Steam Bath

I am just back from Tunisia. Sadly, I have not been to a hammam — the Turkish steam bath for which Tunisia is famous. And I have not ridden a camel, which, of course, one should always do in a desert country. But I have seen camels aplenty and I have petted one (coarse, uninviting hair — not at all like the smooth texture of a camel’s hair coat). The camel, however, was friendly. His name was Ali Baba and he even let me scratch his ears. Admittedly, he was muzzled. That seems to be the trend among camel owners these days, probably because cross camels spit.

Chris Ray Scott Trip

Artist Basks in Glow of Silver Moon

Some six weeks ago, by the light of a slowly rising full moon, painter Ray Ellis stole away to a silent corner of Edgartown and settled in to capture an image of the swollen moon creeping up over Chappaquiddick. Facing down-harbor, he had a perfect view of the Chappy bank, dotted with lights from the houses nestled along its coast.

“The moon was just coming up,” Mr. Ellis said yesterday. Carefully, he captured the silvery reflection of the great white globe in the harbor, a lone sailboat suspended in the water.

Katrina Buck

Twas Dublin in Vineyard Haven As Actors Re-Joyce on Bloomsday

James Joyce once declared that if Dublin were ever destroyed, it could be wholly reconstructed from the text of his famously impenetrable opus, Ulysses. On Wednesday night, or Bloomsday night rather, the Dublin of Joyce was thus faithfully restored in Vineyard Haven.

The Yard

Stretch Into Some Good Karma

Stretch Into Some Good Karma

Christine Doug John

There’s a Place You Can Go: YMCA

Ripples were made for the first time in the brand new YMCA pool on Saturday. Nearly 60 guests were serenaded into the building by the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School Minnesingers’ rendition of the Village People’s YMCA, eager after waiting in the hot sun to sign up for summer programs or go for a swim.

Garde Dogs Out of Court as Fines Mount

The Garde family of Vineyard Haven appears to have given up on legal efforts to keep its three delinquent husky dogs, but has yet to comply with the town’s order to get rid of the dogs, or pay fines which now total more than $26,000.

The long-running dispute between the town and the family was due to have been aired again in Edgartown district court last week, but the family at the last minute dropped its action against an order of the selectmen.

Tisbury Tussles With Options: Old Fire House, New Town Hall

Tisbury residents, having come up with the money to build a new fire house, now will be asked by town leaders to come up with more money, to knock down and redevelop the old one.

The town’s selectmen and planning board members, at a meeting on Tuesday night, all agreed the current building was not salvageable and should be removed as soon as possible after the new emergency services facility on Spring street is completed, around April or May next year.

Men in Kilts and Tool Belts Go on the Block Thursday

Bid for a bachelor to be your date, complete with manners and trade certificate, providing services in carpentry, air conditioning, landscaping and even music, at the Men in Kilts fundraiser at Mediterranean Restaurant in Oak Bluffs on Thursday, June 24.

With food, cash bar (it’s an over-21 event) and the rocking southern bluegrass music of Christopher Robin, this event is raising funds to send the high school drama troupe to Scotland to perform at the Festival Fringe in August.
