Caught Speeding

Caught Speeding

Something to Celebrate

Something to Celebrate

As well-resourced men and women from Washington and Wall Street jockeyed this week for a multi-billion-dollar bailout, a band of earthy Vineyarders was busy preparing a festival about living local. This ironic juxtoposition is an accident of timing, of course; still, the broader economic crisis does concentrate the mind on those aspects of living that Islanders can and should control.

East Chop




East Chop said goodbye to Ted Burnham on Saturday, Sept. 20, at a lovely party hosted by his wife Wendy, her longtime friend Kathy Grugan from West Grove, Pa., and several neighbors. Ted died of lymphomic cancer on August 22nd following a four-year struggle with this horrible disease.


Temperature: Precip.

Day Max. Min. Inches.

Fº Fº

Sept. 19 71 55 .00

Sept. 20 64 54 .00

Sept. 21 68 48 .00

Sept. 22 76 55 .00

Sept. 23 70 56 .00

Sept. 24 66 55 .00

Sept. 25 66 56 .00

Water temperature in Edgartown harbor: 66º F.

Benjamin Arrives

Benjamin Arrives

Jessica and Joshua Burgoyne of Edgartown announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Beckett Burgoyne, born on Sept. 16, 2008 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Benjamin weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.

Episcopal Confirmation

Episcopal Confirmation

On Sunday, Sept. 28, the Right Rev. Roy Cederholm, the Suffragan Bishop of Massachusetts, will visit St. Andrew’s Church in Edgartown. Bishop Cederholm will preach at services at 8 and 10 a.m.. He will preside at the rite of confirmation at 10 a.m. during which seven parish young people will be confirmed into the Episcopal Church.

West Tisbury




September has slipped away as quick as you can say Jack Frost. We know he is waiting just around the corner but it doesn’t seem possible with this beautiful Indian summer weather. Folks are busy harvesting the last of their vegetables, and berries for canning, and settling into their fall routine as the sun is now setting around 6:30 p.m.

Vineyard Haven








Many Chilmarkers turned out on Monday night to have their say about whether or not the town should have bought the Home Port. By now, the result is history. It was a lively debate and our moderator, Everett Poole, ably guided us through it all.

Please be advised that The Bite restaurant will close this Sunday. The Galley will continue to be open until Columbus Day weekend.

Oak Bluffs




To borrow from Rudyard Kipling, when you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs, that would mark a successful summer in Oak Bluffs. Before we fully commit our hearts and minds to the cooler seasons, we might wish to look back on the hot season of 2008 by deciding who among us kept our heads.
