
The Vineyard Gardener


I attended a potluck supper recently where brussels sprouts were served. I have to admit, they are one of my favorites. I have grown them for years and thought my children enjoyed them as much as I did.

Years later, I took apart my dining room table to discover a little shelf under the top that had rows of dried-up sprouts on the children’s sides of the table. We now have the family joke of using the brussels sprout ledge for unwanted food.

Mark Hutker Makes Design Hall of Fame

Principal and founder of Hutker Architects, Inc. Mark Hutker was named to the New England Design Hall of Fame last week at the Boston Design Center. The award recognizes the region’s top residential architects and interior designers.


Shearwater Deaths: Solved

Last summer numerous greater shearwaters washed up on the South side of the Vineyard. A few of these birds were sent to Tufts Veterinary School for a necropsy to determine the cause of death. We finally received a bit of information on two of these birds. In both cases the cause of death was emaciation-they just starved to death. Nobody can determine why they didn’t have enough food. Was there a lack of food because the birds arrived earlier than the food fish due to warmer weather?

Sleep With the Fishes

Luca Brazzi sleeps with the fishes ­— that’s a line from The Godfather, of course. But neither Luca nor anyone else really sleeps with fishes because it is debatable whether fish truly sleep at all.


Fisher Poet

Students at the Tisbury School this week had the opportunity to hear the poetry of a fisherman.

Dave Densmore, of Kodiak, Alas., and Astoria, Ore., was a featured speaker for fifth and sixth graders. He came as a guest in the middle of a whirlwind tour on the East Coast.

On Wednesday evening Mr. Densmore was a featured speaker at a forum on fishing at the Chilmark Public Library.

Sept. 26: Rain Starts at 4 a.m. and is Often Heavy

Friday, Sept. 26: Rain starts at 4 a.m. and is often heavy. Dark clouds roll in from the South. Intense storm. Rain is heavy in the afternoon. Fog. Shifting easterly breeze. Puddles grow in Vineyard Haven. Five Corners is temporarily flooded between heavy showers. Light rain at the dinner hour.

Whine-in at the Weigh-in, Ted Collins Goes Kayak Fishing

There are two things fishermen like to complain about: the lack of fish and the weather. There has certainly been plenty of complaining going on inside and outside the derby weigh station at the foot of Main street in Edgartown.

The fish are out there but they are not available to all anglers.

Lev Wlodyka Leads By a Sliver

There is a new boat leader in the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby: Lev C. Wlodyka came in with a 46.82-pound striped bass he had caught earlier in the day.

There was drama at the weigh station, according to the officials. It wasn’t just Mr. Wlodyka’s fish that drew the crowds — it was the drama of two other fishermen showing up with theirs at the same time.

Tell Your Story: Susan Klein Offers Memoir Workshop

The Spice of Life, a memoir organization and writing course taught by Susan Klein, will once more be hosted by the Tisbury Senior Center this fall. The class has been enormously popular; 60 Islanders already have completed the eight-week workshop.

Would-be memoirists interested in working on their life stories for their own pleasure, as a legacy to family and friends, or for publication should call Susan Klein at 508-693-4140 as soon as possible to reserve a slot.


Hockney, Van Gogh, Meet Marcia Smilack

There are landmarks in an artist’s career. First there’s the initial sale of a piece of work. Then comes inclusion in a group show and, with any luck (and, of course, talent), the solo show. But the crowning glory arrives — often, alas, posthumously — when the artist’s work is presented in the hallowed halls of a museum.
