Harrison Elected: New York Conceded to the Republicans

The result of Tuesday’s voting is no longer in doubt. The Republicans have carried the country and General Benjamin Harrison of Indiana has been chosen as the next president of the United States. Readers will find in our columns a detailed account of how the electoral votes of the several States have been thrown. It is enough to say here that New York is no longer in doubt; it has gone Republican, and in so doing has settled the election.

County Nominations

The three parties made the following nominations for county officers to be voted for next Tuesday: -
For Representative - Republican, Cornelius B. Marchant, of Edgartown; Democratic, James F. Cleveland, of Tisbury; Prohibition, Ulysses E. Mayhew, of Tisbury.
For Register of Probate - Republican, *Samuel Keniston, of Edgartown; Democratic, Hebron Vincent, of Edgartown; Prohibition, George Nolen, of Cottage City.

A Terrific Storm

A TERRIFIC STORM - Sweeps over the Vineyard Wednesday morning - Wind and rain unlimited - Chimneys, trees and fences laid low - No serious damage to shipping in this vicinity - The hardest storm known for 50 years up-island - Dams and Bridges swept away, and the elements playing havoc all through the west end.

To Our Readers

Today the Gazette comes before you under a new management. In assuming the responsibility of publishing the same we feel that we are accepting a public trust, which can be held only so long as we can fill it acceptably to the people of this town and county. This feeling comes to us when we remember how, week after week for many years, the paper has come to your firesides, until the people have learned to look upon it as one of the veteran institutions of the Island, to be sustained and supported accordingly.

Tashmoo Water: Celebrating the Completion of the Vineyard Haven Water Works

Vineyard Haven, Dec. 15. - Today has been a red letter day in the history of Vineyard Haven. The water works, the progress of which has awakened so much interest throughout the island, has been formally opened and the consummation of the enterprise celebrated in a manner commensurate with its importance. Vineyard Haven has a right to be proud, not only of its water system, but of the brilliant demonstration which signalized its completion, and of the creditable manner in which her citizens arose to a proper recognition of the occasion.

Election of Edwin D. Vanderhoop

While the election of Mr. Vanderhoop last Tuesday was not unexpected, the size of the majority by which that result was secured was probably hardly anticipated even by his friends. The campaign for Mr. Vanderhoop developed into a regular craze as it progressed; he became a sort of Buffalo Bill-among-the-British-nobility. People began to glory in the notion of elevating a Gay Head Indian to in some respects the highest place in the gift of the county.

A New Summer Resort

Capt. William Lewis has sold to a syndicate of Boston gentlemen all the land, wharf property, &c., of the West Point Land Co., on West Chop, Martha’s Vineyard. This land was purchased by Capt. Lewis some 12 or 15 years ago and improvements made to the extent of several thousand dollars. Avenues were laid out, a wharf was built and the land was plotted for cottage lots, but the boom at Cottage City at that time diverted attention from this fine locality. The purchasers are heavy men and include William Minot, Stephen Weld and Francis Peabody.

For Sale

At Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. - A large, substantial, square Mansion house, stable and grounds; the house is well supplied with open fire-places, etc., and was built regardless of cost by the late Dr. Daniel Fisher, and is in the most perfect condition, and needs not the outlay of a dollar; from the cupola is obtained a beautiful and extended landscape and marine view; rest and quiet are found here, while distant only fifteen minutes by rail is the bustling thriving city of Oak Bluffs. The heirs offer this estate at an enormous sacrifice. For full particulars apply to Horace S. Crowell, 27 State St., Boston; Hon. Jonathan Bourne, New Bedford; or J. W. Donaldson, Edgartown.

The Vineyard Skating Rink

The Vineyard Skating Rink, now transformed into the “Cottage City Casino,” equipped with stage and scenery and furnished with comfortable seating, is likely to prove one of the most popular institutions of Cottage City. Mr. H. E. Reed, a wide-awake gentleman of proved executive ability, is the manager, and has already opened the ball with a week of comic opera.

New Steamer

The new steamer Nantucket is about completed, and will come on the route about the 22nd of the present month. Capt. Charles C. Smith, of the steamer Monohansett, will bring her from the place of building and command her.

