Peaked Hill Deserted

The barracks at Peaked Hill are de­serted. The Army radar station, in­stalled and opened under circumstances of great secrecy in the early days of the war, is closed and locked, its war service completed. At one time a considerable contingent of troops was stationed at the hill, the exact number to be disclosed sometime when the history of the war has been written.

Hospital Presented with a Georgian Mansion

One of the most beautiful and perhaps the most imposing of the Vineyard’s old houses is to be presented by its present owners, Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Faris of East Chop and New York, to the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, whose trustees voted last week to accept this handsome gift.

It’s “Sanderson’s” Still

The sale of the S. M. Mayhew Company general store in West Tisbury, reported as in progress by the Gazette some weeks ago, was completed last week and the business formally changed hands Saturday night. Charles A. Turner, proprietor, turned the business over to Albion A. Alley, long his chief clerk, and thus the establishment, conducted in the same building and on the same site since 1858, changed hands for the third time in its history. The several proprietors who have owned and operated the store were Nathan Mayhew, the founder, blacksmith and Forty-niner, his two sons, Sanderson M.

Experimental Base a Well-Kept Secret

The well-kept secret of the Army's experimental base at Katama during the fall and early winter of 1943 is disclosed at last, in this issue of the Gazette.

Ten miles of heavy pipe were delivered, with other equipment, beginning in August, and during the following months five one-mile lengths of pipe were laid in the ocean with the aid of tugs, and welded together into an experimental pipeline under conditions similar to those which would be encountered in laying a gasoline supply line under the English Channel.

Improptu Parades Feature Jubilee

Enthusiasm of a variety that was wild by Island standards followed the 7 o'clock broadcast on Tuesday night that Japan had surrendered. The natural instinct and tendency to celebrate was manifested by just about every person able to walk and appear out of door; and it seemed, in the down-Island section, at least, that all were present.

A Cheer and a Prayer for the Impending Arrival of V-J Day

This looks like V-J Day as the Gazette goes to press in a sunny and remarkably invigorating atmosphere. The morning began with clear skies and a feeling of both warmth and coolness in the air, the best that August can offer.

Early news broadcasts contained no hint of Japanese surrender, but by 8 o'clock the radio flashes were indicating the decision of Japan to surrender on the terms of the Potsdam declaration. Confidence began to appear more and more, and the day of liberation from war seemed to be at hand.

How Island Will Recall News of Atomic Bomb

The first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan Sunday, but the Vineyard knew nothing of It until yesterday, and then only through the radio announcements. In the night there was wind and rain, and this morning a heavy fog wrapped the Island, not as impenetrable, however, as that which still shrouds the scene of destruction in Japan.
The events have no association except in our own minds, but this is how Islanders will recall the time when the release of atomic energy was made known to the world.

Salvaged from Storm, for Use as Hotel Annex

The Kelley House garden in Edgartown resumes a portion of its former beauty as it is cleared of the wreckage of the hurricane, and the setting has changed through the addition of two annex buildings increasing the capacity of the ancient hotel.

V-E Day On Vineyard Brings Joy, But No Antic Celebration

"The tumult and the shouting dies,

The captains and the kings depart. Still stands our ancient sacrifice,

An humble and a contrite heart."


Vineyard Roll of Honor

The roll of service men is printed herewith in revised form which the Gazette hopes is accurate. Every effort is made to keep the list up to date. All official sources of information are used when possible, but the Gazette is heavily dependent upon the families and friends of service men for their listing in proper classifications.
