Rules Aimed at Protecting Striped Bass Will Hold

Aiming for more uniform management of striped bass fisheries along the Atlantic coast, the state Division of Marine Fisheries will not seek an alternative to new regulations approved last year by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.

Ice Hampers Passage for Chappy Ferry

For the first time since at least 2007, ice in the Edgartown harbor prevented the Chappaquiddick ferry from completing a trip across the harbor Monday morning. Capt. Jeff LaMarche was hampered by thick ice.

Blizzard Trailed by Deep Freeze

The ferocious mid-winter weather that has pummeled the Vineyard with snow, ice, wind and frigid temperatures continued without letup over the weekend as another blizzard roared through. The storm began late Saturday and lasted all day Sunday.

Valentine's Day at the Cabaret

The Wicked Winter Cabaret warms the heart with Love & Valentines, showcasing the talents of Molly Conole, Shelagh Hackett, Paul Munafo and Ken Romero.

Island Hunkers Down as Winter Storm Brings Heavy Snow, Wind

After a night and morning of steady snowfall, the snow subsided early Sunday afternoon as a winter storm lashed the Vineyard. Ferries to the Vineyard have been canceled for all of Sunday and the Island is a blanket of white after hours of wind-driven snow for the second time in three weeks.

Blizzards Give Pause But Can't Stop Beauty of Into the Woods

After the curtain fell Friday night on the second performance of Into the Woods, friends and family rushed to the stage offering flowers and hugs to the 25 members of the cast of this year’s musical.

Everybody Loves Ewe at Sheep Art Show

Featherstone’s first opening reception of 2015 features an Island favorite: sheep. All things woolly are included in the I Love Ewe: The Year of the Sheep Show.

Heart of the PA Club Beats Year-Round

The one-story building stands at the corner of County Road and Vineyard avenue in Oak Bluffs. An American flag flaps in the breeze. Beneath it is the Portuguese flag.

Job Well Done

Anyone who thinks it is impossible to get things done quickly on Martha’s Vineyard hasn’t met the women behind the Island Wide Youth Collaborative.

Two Thumbs Up

In the book Bowling Alone, author Robert Putnam described the phenomenon of communities losing the very essence of what made them great, or at least functional, when they acted as vehicles that helped bring individuals together.
