Passing the Torch, Two Longtime Firefighters Hang up Their Hoses

Russell Maciel was on the job for 44 years before stepping down as assistant fire chief in Tisbury. Daniel Feeney, a captain in the department, also retired on Dec. 31.

Edgartown Police Chief Will Step Down

After more than 30 years with the Edgartown police department, including five years at the helm, Edgartown police chief Antone Bettencourt will retire in May.

“It’s time, you know, that’s the bottom line,” Chief Bettencourt said.

Vineyard Chapter of NAACP to Honor Youth

On Sunday, as part of the 30th annual Martin Luther King Day membership event, the Martha’s Vineyard chapter of the NAACP will honor two high school students, Olivia Jacobs and Jared Livingston, for their service to the community.

Leadership Search

Who will be next in line to lead the Vineyard public schools and the Martha’s Vineyard Commission?

Ice Follies

With temperatures bouncing between single digits and the thirties and forties in recent weeks, ice has been the predominant theme of winter so far.

You Are Getting Sleepy, Sweet Twizzler

Folks from all over the world came to see Yefim Shubentsov to end their addictions, so four years ago I made my appointment.

Comet Lovejoy

The faint Comet Lovejoy continues to appear high in our eastern sky in the evening. It is a beautiful object amid a starry background. Every night offers a slight change in position. Comet Lovejoy appears as a fuzzy ball through a pair of binoculars. The best way to find it is to use a star chart prepared specifically for the nights you are viewing.

Stepping Up and Sticking Out, Gladly

In 1965 I had lived for 21 years in Crestwood, N.Y., and 18 years on Martha’s Vineyard. I knew very little about the rest of the world.

When Hungry for Creativity, Change Fulfills

Nicholas Freeling was born in London in 1927, known mostly for his series of crime novels that began after three weeks spent in a Dutch prison.

Lucy Vincent: Late Winter

Our landmarks gone.
Rough violent winter
gouged the golden sandhills
collapsed the grassy lookouts
from the top, the wooden benches
