In Admiration

I want to express my personal admiration for Ed Brooke. Ed hired me as one of his assistant attorneys general soon out of law school.

More Than Petty Theft

The recent wave of farm stand thefts is a real tragedy to our intimate Island community.

Not Music to the Ears

As I pulled into a parking space on Circuit avenue in Oak Bluffs a few weeks ago, I heard loud music emanating from the large, shiny, black SUV next to me.

To a Caring Community

It is time that I take time to give thanks to the wonderful people who make up our Vineyard world. You have all kept us afloat with your generous gifts of love, visits, food, letters, cards, hugs, calls and more.

Common Knowledge

Of late there has been evinced more than usual in the building of the house for Lester H. Dana, on Manter’s Hill, so called, in Chilmark. And if the public was and is interested in the house, the interest by legal lights in the land and its title, has been no less.

Hello, Enzo

Ariadne de Oliveira and Wesley de Oliveira of Edgartown announce the birth of a son, Enzo Amarins de Oliveira, born on Jan. 14 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.

Land Bank Revenues: Jan. 9

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank reported revenues of $272,652.70 for the business week ending on Friday, Jan. 9, 2015.

Please Adopt Us

Oliver is an affectionate older gentleman, friendly with humans, frequently responding with a loud rumbling purr. As he is 12 years old, the shelter is not requesting an adoption donation, just the promise to love him and give him a forever home.

SSA Governor Defends Rate Hikes

Marc Hanover this week strongly refuted an online petition that has been circulating over rate increases that took effect early this month. As of Thursday, 2,846 people had signed the petition posted on

Updated Ocean Plan Steps Back from Sand Mining, Protects Sea Ducks

The final version of the state plan steers clear of sand mining off Martha’s Vineyard for now. It also expands protected areas for sea ducks thanks to information from Vineyard birders.
