Commercial Zoning Needed

The lack of any substantive local zoning in Tisbury’s commercial district made dealing with a proposal like Stop & Shop’s expansion and remodeling difficult at best for the town.

Not Just Fluff, Fiber Tent Represents History

There are three Jacob sheep across from me, big, gray and alert with curling horns.

Protecting Ancient Ways

The recent decision by the Massachusetts Court of Appeals acknowledging the rights of the town of Edgartown and the Martha’s Vineyard Commission to restrict development on their ancient roadways gives credence to the residents of the Island who believe in preservation.

Protecting these old roads does much to retain the character of the Island, just as preserving historic buildings, retaining engaging vistas or saving unique parcels of land from development.

Smelling the Roses Is Not as Easy as Describing Them

The smell of rosa rugosa is overwhelmingly intoxicating. Did you ever smell anything so sweet? .

To Protect Cod, Start With Habitat

Will we be the last generation to enjoy cod in New England?

Taxpayers Need a Voice

I urge the selectmen to consider Dr. Adibi's suggestion that part-time residents be given the opportunity to participate in town decision-making as is done in Eastham on the Cape now.

Comcast Is No Prize

It was with some shock that I saw numerous Chappy residents had taken out a half-page ad in the August 15 Gazette entreating Comcast CEO Brian Roberts and President Obama to bring high-speed internet to their island.

The Pull-By

I have learned a new word, a noun, the pull-by.

Moped Rules of the Road

According to Chapter 90 of Massachusetts General Laws on the operation of a low-speed vehicle in the state, a low-speed vehicle is a motor vehicle that cannot legally be operated at a speed greater than 25 miles per hour.

Logo Theft

To whomever took the Vera Thornton Real Estate logo off my car: What were you thinking? How could something that personalized be of any use to you?
