Goodbye, Carl Widdiss

It was fitting. Under a solid heavy sky that touched the trees,
Rain poured down. Cleansing, as a bath after a long week’s labor.

Make the Right Choice

The state and Massachusetts Department of Transportation have recently offered to invest over $1 million in improving the infrastructure of this thoroughfare, which happens to be classified as a state highway.

Water Bill Surprise

I recently received my semi-annual bill from the Oak Bluffs water department. Enclosed with the bill was a notice that I would be billed an additional $200 if it was discovered that my water meter had been installed backward.

Mug Shot Not Necessary

I acknowledge that book reviews are a valuable service of a newspaper as professional as the Vineyard Gazette. However, I object to the printing of a photograph of Mr. Smiley with the review on August 1 of Mr. Blanding’s book, The Map Thief.

Another Back Story

I would like to take this opportunity to fill in a missing chapter to the author’s book [about] Forbes Smiley 3rd, The Map Thief. With the funds that Mr. Forbes stole, he built an elaborate home here on the Island.

Pleasant Dog Walks

Daily, as my small, white dog walks me on Lambert’s Cove Road, many motorists pass. Some of you I know. Others I don’t.

Off-Road Bliss

This newspaper has always reported the variety of Vineyard life and its natural beauty, and I’d expect people to flock here because of it.

Accident Report

A heartfelt thanks to the individual who left the gift on our car at State Beach this past week. Imagine our surprise when, after the perfect beach day, we got to our vehicle to find that you had backed into us.

Dear Mr. Gates

After nearly six years of the Obama presidency, we have a definitive track record from which to study and critique. The evidence clearly suggests he is failing. His poll numbers continue to drop to record lows.

Obama and Associates

Mr. Obama and his associates perpetually, and on a daily basis, exceed themselves in reaching new and dizzying heights of narcissism, arrogance, prevarication and abject lawlessness.
