Lost and Found: Stray Seal Pup Finds Safe Route Home

Thanks to Tisbury police officers on the midnight shift, a lost seal is back in the water — despite a quick detour under a police car.

Black History Month, Confronting the Pain

My undaunted mother took me to see the moving picture version of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In my safe world I knew nothing of slavery, not even the word.

Island Roots Are a Deep Sea Anchor

I feel lucky to have been raised in a place that is still somewhat isolated from the rest of the country due to the fact that it is surrounded by water.

Hellman Biography Traces Playwright's Jewish Roots

A fifth biography of the late Lillian Hellman explores the Jewish roots of the playwright, author and longtime seasonal Vineyard Haven resident.

Captain Takes a Pledge

What are needed to save the striped bass in this state and coastwide are not minor logistical adjustments, but rather wholesale changes to the overall management strategy.

Unconscionable Treatment

To say I am outraged at the recent treatment of Roger Wey is an understatement. It wasn’t that long ago when he went through a similar accusative episode which rendered him innocent.

Recollections in Freeze Frame

Thanks to Bill Eville for putting together a Vineyard Gazette article which went far beyond the original request to write an article to make the elderly on the Island aware of the Martha’s Vineyard Community Services Alzheimer’s group program on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

Bowling Alley Booster

As a citizen of Oak Bluffs who resides in the immediate neighborhood of the proposed bowling alley (with a restaurant that serves, yes, both food and alcohol), I speak in complete support of every aspect of the project.

Generous Benefit

The friends and board of ACE MV want to publicly thank Phil and Colleen and the staff of Offshore Ale for providing the venue for our Dine and Donate auction fundraiser Sunday, Feb. 9.

Musical Success

Everyone involved in Cats is extremely proud of the students for their performances and grateful to everyone who helped make this show possible.
