Hello, Pizza!

The Chilmark Community Church is changing from soup suppers to pizza nights. The last soup supper is Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 5:30 p.m. The first pizza night is on Tuesday, March 11 at 6 p.m.

Friends of Family Planning Wants You to Make Art

Friends of Family Planning is looking for artists for its annual art show to be held this year from May 23 to 25. The deadline for applications is April 15.

Freezer Pleasers

I hate to buy fresh produce when I can grow anything on my own. We should all be thinking along these lines. Besides shoveling and tending the chickens, my only outdoor activity has involved knocking snow and ice from my favorite shrubs.

Frozen Foods

Historically, eating snow was common. An early report comes from Roman Emperor Nero (54 – 86AD) who mixed fruit or honey with his snow. Grape pulp snow was a particular favorite.

Hospital Takes Steps to Ease Primary Care Crunch

In a first-of-its-kind program here, the Martha's Vineyard Hospital will hire doctors who are acute care specialists to manage inpatient care. Primary care doctors will no longer shoulder the burden of doing rounds, hospital leaders said.

Fired Up to Answer Call of Community

They drive the engines, rescue people, put out fires and know CPR. They have to be prepared for anything — a car under water, a person in cardiac arrest, or a family trapped inside a burning building. Or it could be a false alarm. Meet the Island's call firefighters.

Overnight Storm Brings More Snow

The Island awoke to a fresh blanket of snow Sunday following an overnight blast of more winter weather. Total snowfall overnight was 5.5 inches at the National Weather Service station in Edgartown. By afternoon sledders were out in force on sunny Island slopes.

Senior Hockey Co-Captain Is Setup Sensation

He's come up through the ranks since his youth hockey days. Now Tyson Araujo is quietly making his mark in high school hockey statewide. But his focus remains on the team.

Mars by the Light of the Moon

Late Wednesday night the planet Mars and the gibbous moon appear together as a close pair. The two rise in the southeast a few hours after sunset. This is an easy opportunity to see Mars. Use the moon as your guide.

The planet has brightened considerably in the last year and is two months away from opposition. There is no mistaking its reddish sapphire color when compared to the brilliant white moon.

A third bright celestial object resides nearby amid the field of faint stars. It is the bright blueish-white star Spica, the principal star in Virgo.

Rules Tighten for Bass and Conch Fisheries

Changes under consideration by the Division of Marine Fisheries include an extended commercial season for striped bass, smaller daily limits and a rule barring charter fishermen from selling their catch commercially.
