Tenacious Murk

From the July 3, 1973 Gazette article “Tenacious Murk Disrupts Ferry and Air Travel for Days; Then Lightning Lets Go; Sea Searches Busy” by William A. Caldwell: Even more than usual, people on Martha’s Vineyard talked about the weather last weekend. There was more of it than usual to talk about.

Chilmark Town Column: June 28

Chilmark is settling into some serious summer weather. It has been really steamy a couple of mornings this week with the usual early fog followed by hot sun. It seems as if August has come early! Will we ever be happy with our weather — absolutely! It is the beginning of a typical and most welcome summer.

Aquinnah Town Column: June 28

The annual Aquinnah Fourth of July parade will begin in the usual place on Old South Road on Thursday at 9 a.m. Enjoy the American flags, the parade of vehicles, face painting, music and the treasure hunt.

Congratulations to Senator Edward Markey, who certainly won the confidence of Vineyarders.

West Tisbury Town Column: June 28

Our weather was delightful and summer-like last weekend. It is getting busier each day as more people continue to arrive for their vacations. Starting on Wednesday the crunch will be upon us as some folks will get a head start on the long holiday weekend. Independence Day is Thursday and all municipal buildings and post offices will be closed. The up-Island bus traffic has increased in just a week and next weekend is the start of the busiest week of the summer season.

For a Little, Our Island Club Gives a Lot

Our Island Club, a consumer savings program that raises money for local organizations, contributed more than $50,000 to Island charities last year.

Oak Bluffs Town Column: June 28

On June 1, 1897 John F. Murphy of Boston published a tourist guide on the resorts of Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard, which included a highly complimentary homage to Cottage City. Murphy wrote, “Upon a well-chosen and marvelously attractive site of this Island exists one of the most wonderful of community centers — Cottage City!” Later he makes the laudatory comment (that I of course agree with), “It is probable that the great majority of people who make reference by voice or pen to Martha’s Vineyard are thinking when they do so, only of Cottage City, that place being the grand centre of attractions and interests for the whole Island, and, indeed, the summering centre, par excellence, of all the land and water thereabouts.”

East Chop Town Column: June 28

I have often wondered how one justifies the $50,000-plus tuition fee of a private high school. It was out of our range 20 years ago when our kids were teenagers. And then, just when I’m praising myself for all that money saved, Bill Dennehy walks rapidly past our house with his determined step and iPod ringing in his ears.

Vineyard Haven Town Column: June 28

Did you miss me last week? I was so overwhelmed with driving Nonna back to the Island for the summer as well as my two dogs and one cat, that I was too exhausted to file a column on time. We had partied so hard at Nonna’s farewell party on her porch in White Plains that we were a day behind schedule.

Chappy Town Column: June 28

I have a new friend. He is a turtle. I think we get along because we see ourselves in each other. Like me, he is a procrastinator. Without fail he begins his trek across the ninth fairway of my golf course only after he hears the oncoming hum of my mower. I imagine him at home with best intentions to “this time” begin his journey to the swamp before the advent of my intrusive mowing, but each time finds himself only heading out the door once it is a bit too late. He crosses the hundred or so yards that bisect my back and forth mowing in about 30 minutes; his top speed is slower than most others’ lower gears (again, a reminder of myself).

Taking Stock of the American Dream

Every morning Rosileia Mandelli wakes up to bird song. Actually, bird symphony might be a better description for the trilling and twittering that emanates from her kitchen in the early hours of the day.

Alongside family portraits and vacation photos, six bird cages hang on the kitchen and living room walls of her Oak Bluffs home. Adriano, her husband of 13 years, has raised and bred canaries since he was a boy growing up in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, the westernmost city in the state of Paraná.
