Summer Reading

The summer reading program at the Vineyard Haven library begins June 29 when Andy and Veronica Fish lead a free kids’ comic workshop for ages 8 to 12 from 1 to 1:30 p.m. They will also lead a Japanese Manga workshop later that day for ages 13 and up from 3 to 3:45 p.m.

The library offers a summer reading program for adults, too. To participate, create an online account by visiting the library’s homepage, You can log the books you read over the summer, write reviews and register for prizes.

Book Drop All Full

The West Tisbury Library reports that the book drop at the West Tisbury School shed is filled to capacity. Donations to the library’s annual book sale should be dropped off directly to the West Tisbury School gym on Old County Road from 9 to 11 a.m. after July 1.

Call 508-693-3366 for more information.

Help With Self-Publishing

Thanks to Kindle and Nook there is a self-publishing revolution going on. Self-publishing pioneer Laura Shabott will answer all questions surrounding the new technology and techniques during her interactive lecture at 6:30 p.m. on July 2 at the Edgartown Library.

Ms. Shabott will discuss how to take a book from its first nugget of an idea to a finished digital book. Her work, Confessions of an eBook Virgin: What Everyone Should Know Before They Publish on the Internet, is the result of four years of research and experience.

June 21: Sunny and Clear

Friday, June 21: Sunny and clear. There is no question, the first day of summer feels like summer. Temperature rises to the mid-70s. A couple of beach umbrellas line Joseph Sylvia State Beach in the afternoon. Summers’ first swimmers take to the water in the afternoon. Pretty late afternoon. Colorful sunset.

Beware the Bunny

Even if he wasn’t thinking specifically about tularemia, Hans Zinsser knew well the danger that surrounds us. He cynically observed that “however secure and well-regulated civilized life may become, bacteria, Protozoa, viruses, infected fleas, lice, ticks, mosquitoes and bedbugs will always lurk in the shadows ready to pounce when neglect, poverty, famine or war lets down the defenses.”

Be a Good Birder

I broke two Cardinal rules of birding and blew it for my two birding companions, Lanny McDowell and Warren Woessner. We were birding around Crackatuxet Cove by the old Pearl Factory where we understood that there was a willow flycatcher nesting. Willow flycatchers are not a common nesting species on the Vineyard, so we wanted to see it. We were in the car driving out slowly toward the Katama Airport when all three of us spotted the flycatcher at the same time. Warren stopped and without thinking I quickly jumped out of the car.

Hot Times

I’m just not that fond of summer. It’s too darned hot. The beginning of the week reminded me once again how long and miserable a day can be when working outdoors in the blazing sun. I’m happy for you vacationers who spend time at the beach.

147 Lagoon Avenue, Vineyard Haven

John Robinson and Lupi Robinson purchased 147 Lagoon Avenue in Vineyard Haven for $2,695,000 on June 21.

27 Hemlock Lane, Vineyard Haven

Jessica Bradlee purchased 27 Hemlock Lane in Vineyard Haven for $410,000 on June 17.

Donna Lowell-Bettencourt Named Principal of West Tisbury School

The West Tisbury School has a new principal, Vineyard schools superintendent Dr. James H. Weiss announced Wednesday.

Donna Lowell-Bettencourt, interim director of student support services at Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools, will take over the role before the start of the school year, Mr. Weiss said.

“We have chosen Donna Lowell-Bettencourt and she has agreed. We will work out the details of her moving from the present position to that one in the next week or so,” he said.
