Getting Graphic About Art of Promotion

The white couch at Jesse Hayes’ home office serves two purposes: business and therapy. It’s okay, designer Mr. Hayes tells his clients as they settle into the large futon. It’s going to be cool.

“We want to create a high quality product in a comfortable atmosphere,” Mr. Hayes said at his office this week. Five guitars are stacked neatly in the corner, an antique typewriter sits on his desk.

Slow Food Potluck

Slow Food is holding its annual meeting and potluck dinner at 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury. Everyone is invited for an evening of local food, conversation and education. This year’s annual meeting will also introduce the new Martha’s Vineyard Slow Food president, Aaron Oster.

Spring Choral Concert

The Island Community Chorus presents its spring concerts this weekend. Showtimes are Saturday, April 6, at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, April 7, at 3 p.m. Both shows will be held at the Performing Arts Center at the regional high school.

This year’s concert features the music of John Rutter and Stephen Sondheim.

Calling All Fiber People

The Martha’s Vineyard Fibershed Project has received a SARE farmer’s grant to help Island fiber producers promote the use of local fibers, local dyes and local labor. The group uses Island-raised fiber for art and clothing.

Any fiber producers interested in cooperative marketing, call Native Earth Teaching Farm at 508-645-3304 or come to a meeting at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury on Tuesday, April 9, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Charter School Play Opens This Weekend

This weekend a group of villains, heroes, lovers and a crooked lawyer are taking over the Grange Hall in West Tisbury. No, this is not the opening day of the farmers’ market.

That most of these characters will resemble school kids might be a tip off. But don’t let the fake mustaches fool you.

Oak Bluffs Book Drive

The Library Friends of Oak Bluffs is holding a book drive on April 6 from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. The Friends are looking for used books for children, teens and adults, including hardcover and paperback, fiction and nonfiction. They are also accepting DVDs, CDs, Audio Books on CD, and recent textbooks (last three years only).

Spirituals Rehearsals

Rehearsals for the 2013 season of the Martha’s Vineyard Spirituals Choir begin on Wednesday, April 10, at 6 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs Senior Center on Wamsutta avenue. Rehearsals take place weekly and last an hour. New members are welcome.

Karen Berube Benefit

On April 13 beginning at 5 p.m. there will be a fundraiser for Karen Berube to help with her medical expenses. The benefit will be held at the P.A. Club in Oak Bluffs and will include a lasagna dinner, silent and live auction and music by Tristan Israel and friends.

Art in the Stacks Call for Artists

Time to get your art on. The Friends of the Vineyard Haven Public Library are hosting a group art show at the library in June and they are calling out for submissions. The show will be held on June 3 to 14, with an evening reception on Tuesday, June 4. This year’s show will be curated by Francine Kelly.

Get the Drum Beat

Hey ladies, do you have the beat and don’t know where to put it? You’re in luck, Roberta Kirn is hosting a drum workshop and drum circle class beginning April 11 and running for five weeks. Participants will learn basic drum technique, ensemble work, African and Afro-Cuban rhythms.
