Bird News

The excitement started on a Thursday afternoon, July 25, when John Nelson texted me about his sighting of a ferruginous hawk that he just saw at Katama Farm.

Hello Honey

There is no reason to stop and smell this honeysuckle.

Keeping Watch

I am a lifelong consumer of national news. One thing that always holds my interest is weather events around the globe.

Former Cop Takes Up Counseling at High School

Former Oak Bluffs police officer and Rhode Island state police detective Jared Andrews is joining the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School staff as director of the student affairs office, overseeing the school’s counseling department.

Edgartown Police Chief to Retire

After nearly four decades in the military and law enforcement, Edgartown police Chief Bruce McNamee plans to retire at the end of September. 

Talking Turtles at Sense of Wonder Camp

Sy Montgomery has always felt more at home with animals than people. And as the author of three dozen books on animals ranging from hummingbirds to orangutans, animals clearly feel at home with her, too.

Following the Flight of the Quiet Butterfly

Author Victoria Wright compares confronting her internal bully to that of a caterpillar folding completely within itself and decomposing inside its cocoon in order to be born again as a radiant butterfly.

Bridge Column: August 2

Here are some bidding questions you might find interesting:

Della Day Speaker Recounts Life With Dr. King

Clarence B. Jones, a former advisor and close friend of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., talked about his work with the civil rights leader at the 18th Annual Della Hardman Day this weekend.

Vineyard Men Take a Stand Against Domestic Violence

Men from across the Island Saturday stood atop the Vineyard Haven seawall as part of an annual traditional to raise awareness around domestic and sexual violence. 
