Once the new buses are purchased, 87 per cent of the VTA’s overall fleet will be electric.
In Edgartown, there are new kids on the dock.
On the night of July 2, four yard signs, prepared by the Keep Democracy Alive (KDA) Alliance, were taken from a 150-foot frontage shared with my neighbor along North Road.
Over the Fourth of July weekend, my daughter called me with a panic and urgency in the tone of her voice.
It is with a heavy heart that we heard news of the death of Gus Ben David
Sarah Kuh recently retired as director of the Vineyard Health Care Access Program.
On July 16, Doug McConnell will attempt once more to swim from Nantucket to Martha's Vineyard. This time he has organized a team of local swimmers to help him achieve victory, all to benefit ALS research.
The generosity and compassion of the late reknowned Island naturalist and teacher Gus BenDavid had a huge impact on the people and natural history of the Vineyard. Gus always seemed to be interested in sharing his natural history knowledge and experience with any and all.
This week’s heat and oppressive humidity brought me back to my previous life working in a restaurant.
On Facebook a few days ago, Albert Fischer recalled a boyhood summer when he found a newly-hatched crow, which he fed, raised, tamed and named Stanley.