The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society, which has been bringing world-class music to the Island since 1971, presents its last concert of the year this Saturday evening in Edgartown.
After that Thanksgiving dinner settles, get outdoors and relax with family and friends at Felix Neck’s Fall Festival, set for Friday, Nov. 23, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the wildlife sanctuary on the Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road.
The third annual International Feast for Compassion Benefiting People Facing Devastation: Darfur is set for Saturday, Dec. 1, at 6 p.m. at the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center on Centre street in Vineyard Haven.
All are welcome to come enjoy delicious international foods and music while helping the most challenged people on the planet. The musicians will be David Stanwood, as well as the trio of Greta Bro, Ricardo Frota and John Hicks.
Miracles at Christmas returns this year with traditional carols and drama to add warmth to the Christmas season — but with a change of location to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown. This Island Theatre Workshop production takes you back to a traditional Christmas, combining medieval carols and St. Nicholas plays.
A basic computer skills class will be offered at Oak Bluffs Public Library on Thursday, Nov. 29, from 10:45 a.m. to noon.
Learn the different parts of a computer, general tips for using Windows operating systems, how to use the keyboard and mouse, and strategies to help you learn more.
There will also be time to ask specific computer questions that you may have.
No prior computer experience is necessary, this course is for absolute beginners.
It was Winston Churchill who said history is written by the victors. Not on this Island and not under the watch of oral historian Linsey Lee.
“One of my goals in doing oral histories on the Vineyard is to give a voice to the voiceless,” Ms. Lee said Saturday during a workshop on the practices of oral history. “Too often, history is from the famous people, people on the high, but in the everyday people there is such an incredible knowledge, a wealth of knowledge. And, it’s a more real knowledge.”
REGGAE SCRAPBOOK. By Roger Steffens and Peter Simon. Insight Editions. San Rafael, Calif.. 2007. 154 pages. $45 hardcover with DVD.
Explore some of the old roads and ancient ways of Edgartown on horseback, with an informal (noncompetitive) trail ride on Sunday, Nov. 25.
Riders are invited to gather their horses for a 10 a.m. start at the deer weighing station off Barnes Road near the state forest headquarters. There’s plenty of room to park trailers, and trail wardens from the Edgartown byways committee will be available to stop traffic for anyone riding over from the state forest west of Barnes Road.
Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank purchased property at Menemsha Pond in Aquinnah from Kenneth W. Murray for $7,116 on Sept. 21.
Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank purchased property at Menemsha Pond from Suzanne J. Murray for $7,116 on Oct. 1.
James F. O’Brien purchased property off Moshup Trail from Aerie Realty Trust and Katherine Keene Metell for $250,000 on Oct. 17.
Raptor. The name carries a lot of weight. So much velocity and ferocity are associated with it. In the bird world, the title refers to owls, hawks and eagles, vultures and the osprey.
The Vineyard has three owl species in summer and three or four more in winter. Three hawk species can survive here year-round. Almost any hawk species found in eastern North America might find its way here.