Land Bank Expands Holdings Along Tashmoo Peninsula

The Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank added another 250 feet of oceanfront property to its holdings along the Tashmoo peninsula in Tisbury, with the purchase of a lot that abuts the Tashmoo Preserve.

Revised Plan for Edu Comp Building Sparks More Questions

A scaled-backed building and a slew of unfinished details were on the table for more discussion when the developer who wants to expand the former Edu Comp building presented a revised plan to the MVC.

With Covid, Better Safe Than Sorry Is the Way to Go

Remember the spring of 2020‚ 18 months ago, when the word Covid had just entered our vocabulary.

Covid Cases Plummet to New Low

New confirmed cases of Covid-19 dropped to their lowest level in four months last week, the Island boards of health reported Monday in a regular update.

Movie Extras Needed

The independent film Heartworm is looking for extras for a scene to be shot this Thursday, Nov. 11.

Ferry Nantucket Goes Out of Service, Causing Huge Sunday Backups

The ferry Nantucket was repaired and cleared for service by the Coast Guard late Sunday after a problem with a rudder indicator sidelined the ferry for most of the day, causing huge backups on the Vineyard route. SSA general manager Bob Davis said the problem was a rudder indicator.

Chilmark Voters Breeze Through Special Town Meeting

Meeting outdoors Saturday afternoon, 87 Chilmark voters made quick work of their special town meeting warrant, spending nearly $1.5 million on town, school and Island-wide projects.

Mask Mandate Stays in Place, at Least Through Jan. 15

Face coverings will remain mandatory indoors on Martha’s Vineyard until at least mid-January, after the six Island boards of health declined Friday to lift the mandate they imposed last August.

New Art Show Opens at WT Library

November’s exhibition in the West Tisbury Library community room gallery features the artwork of Nina Lisa Maria, also known as Nina Gomez Gordon.

Crescent Moon and Venus

The crescent moon and Venus will appear together as a pair low in the southwestern sky on Sunday night. The two are close enough to draw an extra gaze from those unaware of the astronomical meeting. The two celestial objects are moving through the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius, the southernmost zodiacal constellation.

The two are a pretty sight in this first night of Standard time. You’ll see them before the dinner hour.

The moon spends the rest of the coming week going through the zodiacal constellations Capricornus and then onto Aquarius.
