With the impending retirement of longtime town treasurer Melanie Becker, the Chilmark select board voted unanimously Tuesday to take steps to change the position from elected to appointed. Ms. Becker will retire in January.
It’s a week later and folks are still talking about the big storm. I don’t remember wind lasting for so many hours.
Do you ever feel that the weather so perfectly echoes your emotional state -- cloud cover, likelihood of precipitation, even record-shattering events such as last week's bomb cyclone -- that your psychological health might just as well be charted by your local meteorologist?
They say the weather on your birthday is a reflection of how you behaved during the course of the previous year.
The big news, of course, is the storm now known as Wanda. It had winds of 93 mile an hour here in Edgartown.
The reason that the Memorial Wharf pavilion could be lifted up whole and set down clear of the reconstruction area is Kent Healy.
That northeaster hung around longer than we expected, with gusts at 94 miles per hour.
Jeremy Barber Trs. and Jeremy Barber Living Trust purchased 416 Lighthouse Road in Aquinnah from Karen H. Segal Trs., Michele S. Sviridoff Trs., Karen H. Segal Trust FBO, Mitchell Sviridoff UWO, Doris G. Sviridoff Revocable Trust and Michele S. Sviridoff Trust FBO for $2,185,000 on Oct. 25.