Brandon Dana Edward Labonte and Sheri Lavon Labonte purchased 40 Knoll drive in Edgartown from Charles F. Holzwarth and Stephen J. Bloomer for $3,006,000 on Oct. 18.
I'm writing this during a lovely, cozy, stormy afternoon, which looks as though it will get even stormier.
The winter stakes have been put on moorings, the swim line has been hauled, and the harbor shack has been buttoned up for the season.
I am sitting here listening to the weather and wondering what the next few days are going to bring. It is already raining and the wind is blowing, not badly, but it is starting.
If you use the Chappy Ferry regularly, you are aware that various vehicles don't wait in the vehicle waiting line but rather get to "cut the line."
As we head into November, the temperatures have remained in the high 60s and, on occasion, the 70s.
As I write on Tuesday afternoon, I wait unhappily for the impending northeaster.
Is there a connection between invasive plants and declining songbird populations?
If the Oak Bluffs fireworks display is ever to return, it will be the town’s responsibility to make it happen, the select board determined Tuesday. The popular late-August event has been on hold for the past two summers.