Tisbury Police Department Achieves State Certification

Ths Tisbury police department this week announced it has been certified by the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission.

Silence Is Complicity

I recently attended a dedication ceremony at The Dodd Center for Human Rights at the University of Connecticut.

Tight on Space, Island Anti-Hunger Network Eyes Solutions

When the Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen’s Trust began its seafood donation program earlier this year, the nonprofit ran into an obstacle that regularly confronts other Island anti-hunger groups: a shortage of places to store the food.

West Tisbury Sets Town Meeting Date

A new expense and revenue formula for Tri Town Ambulance, an additional $322,000 for the school roof and an inter-municipal agreement for HVAC at Chilmark School are the chief warrant items.

Hospital Adds Appointments for Pfizer Booster Shots

Martha's Vineyard Hospital will open up 528 new appointments for Pfizer vaccine booster shots starting at 4 p.m. Friday.

Mercury in the Morning

The most difficult visible planet isn’t the farthest from us, it is almost always the one too close to the sun. The planet Mercury shines above the eastern skyline each morning in the week ahead.

Mercury is tough. But this weekend, Mercury will be easy. Astronomers point out that this is the best apparition of the Sun’s closest planet Mercury.

There are only two requirements for seeing this planet. Get up early in the morning well before sunrise, and the eastern sky has to be clear.

MVC Approves Massive Tisbury Marine Terminal Development

The commission voted unanimously Thursday night to approve a project to redevelop the Tisbury Marine Terminal as a maintenance staging area for the Vineyard Wind project.

Aquinnah Ethics Case Goes to Mediation

Aquinnah select board member Gary Haley and the state ethics commission have agreed to mediation to try to resolve a conflict of interest allegation.

ELL Students on the Rise, Painting Picture of a Changing Vineyard

English language learners in the Martha’s Vineyard public schools have increased almost sixfold over the past decade and now make up more than 19 per cent of the total student body.

Gazette History Exhibit Enters Final Weekend

Henry Beetle Hough’s desk is one of the featured items of Tomorrow’s History: 175 Years of the Vineyard Gazette, an exhibit at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum that ends this Sunday.
