Edgartown Town Column: Oct. 22

There are a lot of people who vow not to put their heat on until Nov. 1.

Chilmark Town Column: Oct. 22

Casey Elliston was celebrated at the derby awards ceremony this past weekend at Farm Neck.

Chappaquiddick Town Column: Oct. 22

Everyone is welcome to attend the dedication of a sculpture in honor of Richard S. Knight, Jr. on Saturday, Oct. 23 at 1 p.m. at the Chappaquiddick Community Center.

Aquinnah Town Column: Oct. 22

The Town of Aquinnah would like residents to complete the energy questionnaire that is on the town website, www.Aquinnah-ma.gov.

Recent Real Estate Transactions: Week Ending Oct. 15

William Berlind and Karen Berlind purchased 8 Driveway in Chilmark from Doris Jean Lockhart for $2,419,145 on Oct. 12.

Sweater Weather

I wore a sweater at work for the first time this fall. Whoopee!

Escape Artists

Release the kraken!

October Push

Perhaps the most unusual bird spotted this week was a dickcissel, a species rather easy to ignore because it is very similar to a house sparrow.

SSA Adopts $120 Million Budget

With finances on an even keel again amid ongoing robust ferry traffic, Steamship Authority governors voted Tuesday to approve a $119.6 million operating budget for the coming year.

Comic Memoir Reopens Vineyard Playhouse

Fear of Heights, a one-man staged autobiography by comic and cable television host Kevin Flynn, drew audiences indoors at the Martha's Vineyard Playhouse.
