Calls to suicide hot lines are surging amid the strain of a drawn-out pandemic, according to the mental health nonprofit NAMI of Cape Cod and the Islands. The problem exists nationwide.
Sassafras Earth Education will host an Indigenous Peoples' Day event at Felix Neck on Monday in collaboration with the Aquinnah Cultural Center.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival, in partnership with the YMCA, brings to a close its drive-in movie season with a mini film festival this weekend.
Laura and Dan Martino, of Oak Bluffs, announce the birth of a daughter, Sofia Kay Martino, born on Sept. 30.
Virginia and Rocco Vitelle, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a daughter, Kira Rose Clark Vitelle, born on Oct. 1.
Crystal and Glenn Goulart, of Vineyard Haven, announce the birth of a son, Liam Harvey Goulart, born on Sept. 30.
State Road restaurant takes a few weeks off every winter, but this year’s closure will start immediately and last until March. Owners Mary and Jackson Kenworth asked the West Tisbury select board’s permission to close.
Chilmark has more than $800,000 in free cash on hand, most of which will stay in the bank for now, town administrator Tim Carroll said at this week’s select board meeting.
In his East Chop outdoor shower redo, J. Powers Shepard treats function and aesthetics equally.
Got mold? Fling open the windows and follow the pros’ advice.