Distance makes the heart grow fonder. This is especially true with wildlife.
The Offshore Ale Company is changing hands, with a sale of the popular eatery and its Kennebec avenue building expected to close next month for an undisclosed price. Longtime owners Colleen and Phil McAndrews are selling to Bill and Susan Honeycutt of Medford and Edgartown.
New confirmed cases of Covid-19 continued an upward trend on the Island for the second straight week, after a steep five-week decline. In a weekly report Monday, the boards of health reported that 25 people had tested positive for the virus between Sunday, Oct. 3 and Saturday, Oct. 9.
Dozens of Wampanoag tribal members from Aquinnah, Chappaquiddick and Mashpee gathered at Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary Monday afternoon to observe Indigenous Peoples' Day.
When I was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer at the age of 37, my world suddenly became engulfed in pink.
In a disappointing Friday night under the lights, the VIneyard football team fell to the Sharon Eagles at home in overtime, 15-7.
The poker-faced satires of David Shrigley, cartoon expressionism of Ellen Berkenblit and multihued yarn geometrics of Jim Lambie make for a vibrant and provocative new show.
A Vineyard Haven man was arrested late Saturday after six homes were broken into and vandalized, according to Tisbury police. Patrick Lucas, 31, has been charged with multiple counts of breaking and entering in the nightime to commit a felony, vandalism and larceny, acting Lieut. Bill Brigham said in an email Sunday afternoon.
Size, scale, architectural aesthetics and vague arrangements with neighbors over shared use of access roads were all issues when a public hearing opened on a plan to redevelop the former Edu Comp building.
Look tomorrow night to the southwestern sky just after sunset for three bright objects close to the horizon.