Edgartown Library Prepares to Reopen

Edgartown library staffers were stepping over wet cement this week in an effort to ready the old Carnegie building on North Water street for its official reopening next Tuesday.

The sidewalk under repair is one thing that is not their problem — town highway superintendent Stuart Fuller is in charge of that project — but they have had their share of problems following last year’s furnace puffback incident. The building was closed in early December after a burst furnace covered much of the furniture, upholstery and stock in an oily vapor.

Commission Continues Review of Revised Moujabber Plan

The Martha’s Vineyard Commission last week again reviewed revised plans for the controversial three-story garage built along the North Bluff in Oak Bluffs in 2003 without a permit.

The story behind the three-story garage is by now familiar and dates back to November of 2003 when Mr. Moujabber received a town building permit to replace an existing small garage on his Sea View avenue extension property. In less than six months the project grew into a three-story building with multiple balconies, sliding glass doors and a roof deck.

lobster trap

Activist Urges Island Fishermen to Regain Control of Fisheries

A former commissioner of marine resources in the state of Maine recently told a gathering of Island fishermen that there is plenty they can do to regain control of the troubled fisheries in Massachusetts.

Robin Alden spoke at the Chilmark Public Library earlier this month about how fishermen need to come together on the local level and step forward as a concerned group.

“Even in a small community like this, I think it can work,” she said, though she added: “You are not going to win overnight.”

Lacrosse Teams Advance to Playoffs

Although the regular spring sports season for high school athletics is inching to a close, several teams will be starting a second season this week when they play in the opening round of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association tournament.

Leah Negruuci and Ron Gill

Weather Includes Odd Outbreak Of Spring Temperatures in Spring

April and May so far have brought the Island a mixed weather bag that has included blustery ocean storms, drizzly weekends and that relatively unusual Vineyard occurrence, springlike weather in the spring.

Winter on the Island generally tends to go right into summer. But this spring has pleasantly surprised Vineyarders with spates of mild, sunny days.

Shark Tournament Seeks Private Venue

The organizer of the Monster Shark Tournament this week announced that he had withdrawn his application to use Washington Park as the headquarters for the three-day event and instead had set his sights on securing a private venue for the tournament’s opening and closing ceremonies.

Steven James, president of the Boston Big Game Fishing Club, told the Gazette this week he had withdrawn his application to put up a tent with capacity for 900 on Washington Park that would be used for the tournament’s Captain’s Banquet and closing ceremonies.

Gosnold Voters Narrowly Pass Building Restrictions on Islands

The town of Gosnold is divided into two districts. The first covers a tiny knot of municipal buildings at the center of Cuttyhunk; the second is the sparsely populated remainder of what is also known as the Elizabeth Islands.





Chilmark is very green these days as the heavy rains early in the week brought out leaves on most of the trees. It looks cheerful and almost festive. The festivities are due this holiday weekend. Let’s hope the sun shines on the many picnics, reunions and graduations and weddings that will take place this weekend.

Adriana Arrives

Adriana Arrives

Trena Morrison and Colin Young of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Adriana Ceara Young, born April 26 at Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Adriana weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.

Hello, Teagan

Hello, Teagan

Kimberly and Jack D’Arcy of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Teagan Drew D’Arcy, born on May 15 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Teagan weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.
