

Chilmark is very green these days as the heavy rains early in the week brought out leaves on most of the trees. It looks cheerful and almost festive. The festivities are due this holiday weekend. Let’s hope the sun shines on the many picnics, reunions and graduations and weddings that will take place this weekend.

We send condolences to the family and friends of Margaret F. Kuh who died in Rockville, Md., on May 10. She had been a Chilmark seasonal resident since the 1950s and has many friends and family members in Chilmark. We know they all will miss her.

Welcome back to Garth and Ollie Edwards of Essex, Conn., who are back at their Abel’s Hill home for their 38th summer.

Drs. Howard and Elizabeth Harrison are here from their Florida home, planning to enjoy an extended vacation at their home.

Phil and Gail Derick are at their Menemsha home for the season after a winter in sunny Florida.

Don Smith is back in town to spend the summer with his family and friends. He spends his winters in Florida.

Bill and Roz Glazer are greeting their Chilmark friends whom they missed while wintering in Key West. They are looking forward to many family visits this summer.

Cathy Thompson is at her Menemsha home for a two-week visit while on vacation from her library director duties in Lake Bluff, Ill.

The kindergarten and first grade class of the Chilmark School will offer a program, Pennies for Peace, next Friday, May 30 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the school. The students will offer presentations of their research and they will make and sell naan bread, which is a local bread of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The class has done extensive research into the culture of these two countries. The Pennies for Peace program is a worldwide effort to raise money for the building of schools in those countries where the children often have to do their work by scratching on the ground for lack of pencil and paper. We hope the public will turn out to help our Chilmark students support this effort.

The Chilmark Community Church will offer soup suppers for the month of June on Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Chowder will be offered along with other foods. The winter suppers were most successful and the public is urged to come out and take a break from the rush of summer to enjoy a community meal. Everyone is welcome.

Remember to tell your arriving friends and tenants that the Chilmark Flea Market will be in West Tisbury this summer. The first sale is set for June 25 in the parking lot behind the West Tisbury School.

The Friends of the Chilmark Library will offer their annual spring book sale beginning May 24 at the library. The books will be on sale through June 7 with prices descending every day. The sale will be held during regular library hours. Please call the library at 508-645-3360 for more information.

David Modigliani will have a big screen showing of his documentary, Crawford, in Crawford, Tex., on June 8. The people of Crawford will turn out to see the film in their football stadium. The documentary is about what happens to the 705 people of tiny Crawford, when George W. Bush moves to town. David is a Chilmark seasonal resident.

Jim and Roberta Morgan, their daughter Barbara and her husband, John Armstrong, traveled to Mystic, Conn., last weekend to watch the launching of the totally restored fishing dragger Roann. She originally operated from Vineyard Haven and has been in Menemsha in the past. The museum has been restoring her for several years and the Roann will now be part of their permanent display.

Happy holiday to all and remember to tell me all about it.