Natalie Arrives

Natalie Arrives

Desi and Collin Evanson of Oak Bluffs announce the birth of a daughter, Natalie Jane Evanson, born on April 15 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Natalie weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.





Spring has arrived in Aquinnah with the grass getting greener each day, daffodils in full bloom, forsythia flourishing, and a few herring starting to appear in the run. Tulips are about to blossom. Go Hillary!

The Rev. Roger H. Spinney and his wife Sharon have returned from their more than well-deserved two-week vacation. While away, the Rev. Arlene Bodge and the Rev. David Berube filled in at Community Baptist Church and the congregation thanks them for their assistance as always.

Violet Arrives

Violet Arrives

Elizabeth Luce and David Johnson of West Tisbury announce the birth of a daughter, Violet Grace Johnson, born on April 19 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. Violet weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.





What a wonderful week it has been for a school vacation. Chilmark has been quiet as many families are off Island enjoying spring somewhere else. It has been grand here with quiet times and beautiful bloomings and wonderful sunshine. A surprise from April, which is usually cold and rainy.

Will Holtham is here preparing the Home Port Restaurant for the coming season. He tells us to look for his opening sometime mid-June this year.





Finally we’ve been getting the kind of warm, sunny days that make it clear that spring has arrived. Last weekend people were out working in their yards, strolling the streets of Edgartown, hiking and biking, and even playing on the beach. This time of year people working outside, at least this week, have it way better than the inside ones.

Oak Bluffs




While the following is not a snippet from that cheesy book, Vineyard Confidential, Oak Bluffs native Kate McLean is living with 10 boys in San Francisco. Also three girls.

It started when she moved to the Bay Area last December (don’t you love the way today’s Vineyarders can just pick up and go thousands of miles from home; back in the day, their farthest destination used to be a weekend in New Bedford.)

Vineyard Haven




The tables have turned again. I took a head start on school vacation last Thursday and drove down to my Old Country with Iole’s three granddogs to help her out for a week. Let me tell you, toothaches don’t go away.

West Tisbury




Announcing Sophia

Announcing Sophia

Celi Ferreira Da Silva Alves and Jose Fabio Alves of Edgartown announce the birth of a daughter, Sophia DeLazare Da Silva Alves, born on April 22 at the Martha’s Vineyard Community Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces.

The Gazette Chronicle

From the Vineyard Gazette editions of April, 1933:
