What a wonderful week it has been for a school vacation. Chilmark has been quiet as many families are off Island enjoying spring somewhere else. It has been grand here with quiet times and beautiful bloomings and wonderful sunshine. A surprise from April, which is usually cold and rainy.
Will Holtham is here preparing the Home Port Restaurant for the coming season. He tells us to look for his opening sometime mid-June this year.
The new owner of the Menemsha Deli plans to open on May 1 for the season.
The Women’s Symposium will meet on May 3 at 9 a.m. at the community center. There will be speakers, discussions and refreshments.
John Jacobs has come from Denver to his Chilmark home for a week or two.
We send condolences to Diane Morgan who was called to Cheshire, England, this past week to see her Dad, who died April 22. James Tipton traveled to Chilmark many times since Diane married Jim Morgan and moved to Chilmark. Jim enjoyed his visits with his grandchildren, Lily and Alistair. His family reports that he loved the Island and his visits here. His Chilmark friends and family will miss him.
Tom and Helen Porter opened their home on Menemsha Crossroad this week. They hope to be back soon.
Barbara Armstrong tells us that her son, Patrick Ruel, is traveling in South America and called home most recently from Uruguay. He will be back in town in late May.
Welcome to new Chilmarker, Isobel Littlejohn, who was born at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital on Monday, April 2l. She is the first child of David and Jennifer Littlejohn who live on Basin Road. Isobel weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. She will enjoy the company of her paternal grandmother who has traveled from Perth, Australia, to be with her for several months. Cheers to all.
The Chilmark library will host a meeting of a new book club studying race in American in the 20th century. Club members have been reading America classics dealing with the subject and the book for May 28 at the library will be Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. All are invited and the book is available at the Chilmark Library if you want to start reading. The group will meet at the library at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 28. Phil Weinstein of Aquinnah who is an author and professor of English at Swarthmore College will lead the discussions.
The town report is printed and available for your reading. Copies are at the town hall and the library. Town meeting is Monday night at 7:30 p.m. at the community center. Everyone is urged to attend, as there are many articles in the warrant and they will require our vote. Elections will be at the community center on Wednesday, April 30.
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